I noticed that not all preview features are available while searching the preview service under All Service in Azure portal.

E.g. I was trying to evaluate Event Grid in the US Gov Cloud. I registered the service under my subscription, and then searched it under all services. But I could not find it.

Do I have to wait for sometime for this preview service to show up after I register it under my subscription?


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Azure Government 的产品路线图将出现在此处

只有已在 Azure 公共中 GA'd 的服务才会被考虑纳入 Azure 政府。

目前 Azure 政府中的事件网格仅支持 CLI(即将提供门户支持),因此这些示例将起作用。此外,并非所有事件网格主题都可用。若要查看 Azure Government 中当前可用的主题,请运行此 CLI 命令(通过 CLI 会话登录到 Azure Gov 后):

az eventgrid topic-type list -o table
于 2018-12-14T12:36:17.737 回答