例子值一千字,希望如此。如果没有,这里有几个测试在第一个测试和第二个测试中hello world
使用盐种子散列纯文本。盐种子用于生成可以传递给函数的静态盐。如您所见,盐字节和盐字节字符串的长度相似,但会引发错误。我知道这很糟糕,但我有理由使用静态盐,所以请把注意力放在这个问题上。static seed to be used
static seed to be usedd
BCrypt.hashpw(plainText, staticSalt)
org.mindrot.jbcrypt.BCrypt 与 JDK1.7 测试 1 - 纯文本:“hello world”,saltseed:“要使用的静态种子”:
Salt bytes for "static seed to be used": [-30, -8, 86, -8, 6, -126, -64, -30, -82, -82, -104, -64, -8, -118, -64, 108, -82, -64, 14, -30, -82, -104]
Salt bytes string: 4vhW+AaCwOKurpjA+IrAbK7ADuKumA==, length: 32
complete salt: $2a$12$4vhW+AaCwOKurpjA+IrAbK7ADuKumA==
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad salt length
at org.mindrot.jbcrypt.BCrypt.crypt_raw(BCrypt.java:619)
at org.mindrot.jbcrypt.BCrypt.hashpw(BCrypt.java:684)
org.springframework.security.crypto.bcrypt.BCrypt 与 JDK1.8 测试 1 - 纯文本:“hello world”,saltseed:“要使用的静态种子”:
Salt bytes for "static seed to be used": [-30, -8, 86, -8, 6, -126, -64, -30, -82, -82, -104, -64, -8, -118, -64, 108, -82, -64, 14, -30, -82, -104]
Salt bytes string: 4vhW+AaCwOKurpjA+IrAbK7ADuKumA==, length: 32
complete salt: $2a$12$4vhW+AaCwOKurpjA+IrAbK7ADuKumA==
Plain text: hello world, Hash text: $2a$12$4vhWHrTxEMtyyv6wmpOtX.YYbTqHwHv/dxe
org.mindrot.jbcrypt.BCrypt 与 JDK1.7 测试 2 - 纯文本:“hello world”,saltseed:“要使用的静态种子”:
Salt bytes for "static seed to be usedd": [85, 108, -73, 108, 111, -27, -32, 85, 19, 19, -4, -32, 108, -7, -32, -50, 19, -32, -125, 85, 19, -4]
Salt bytes string: VWy3bG/l4FUTE/zgbPngzhPgg1UT/A==, length: 32
complete salt: $2a$12$VWy3bG/l4FUTE/zgbPngzhPgg1UT/A==
Plain text: hello world, Hash text: $2a$12$VWy3bG/l4FUTE/zgbPngze9KDSXjF72NBMBNE6ZJk4StahyAhykgO
org.springframework.security.crypto.bcrypt.BCrypt 与 JDK1.8 测试 2 - 纯文本:“hello world”,saltseed:“要使用的静态种子”:
Salt bytes for "static seed to be usedd": [85, 108, -73, 108, 111, -27, -32, 85, 19, 19, -4, -32, 108, -7, -32, -50, 19, -32, -125, 85, 19, -4]
Salt bytes string: VWy3bG/l4FUTE/zgbPngzhPgg1UT/A==, length: 32
complete salt: $2a$12$VWy3bG/l4FUTE/zgbPngzhPgg1UT/A==
Plain text: hello world, Hash text: $2a$12$VWy3bG/l4FUTE/zgbPngze9KDSXjF72NBMBNE6ZJk4StahyAhykgO
我尝试添加和删除更多字母并获得成功的哈希值。我很高兴在 JUnit 测试中使用的第一个 String 引发了错误。