尝试为 Matlab 测试 Bayes Net Toolbox时出现错误,我正在执行与此处显示的安装相同的操作,但出现错误(我有 Matlab R2010b):

>> cd 'C:\MATLAB\R2010b\FullBNT-1.0.4'
>> addpath(genpathKPM(pwd))
Warning: Function C:\MATLAB\R2010b\FullBNT-1.0.4\KPMtools\assert.m has
the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the function to avoid a potential
name conflict. 
> In path at 110
  In addpath at 87
Warning: Function C:\MATLAB\R2010b\FullBNT-1.0.4\KPMtools\isscalar.m has
the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the function to avoid a potential
name conflict. 
> In path at 110
  In addpath at 87
Warning: Function C:\MATLAB\R2010b\FullBNT-1.0.4\KPMtools\isvector.m has
the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the function to avoid a potential
name conflict. 
> In path at 110
  In addpath at 87
>> test_BNT

ll =

  1.0e-010 *

   -0.0670    0.1697

cycle 1 lik -51.5585 
cycle 2 lik -45.0863 
cycle 3 lik -42.9953 
??? Undefined function or method 'finite' for input arguments of type 'double'.

Error in ==> ffa at 71
  elseif ((lik-likbase)<(1+tol)*(oldlik-likbase)|~finite(lik))

Error in ==> fa1 at 27
[L1, Psi1, LL1] = ffa(X,k,max_iter);

Error in ==> test_BNT at 8


2 回答 2


正如您所说:在 BNT/examples/static/Zoubin/ffa.m 和 BNT/examples/static/Zoubin/mfa.m 中用 isfinite 替换对过时有限的调用


于 2012-12-14T22:37:31.547 回答

finite使用较新的版本 > 7.8 -用isfinite
BNT/examples/static/Zoubin/ffa.m and BNT/examples/static/Zoubin/mfa.m


于 2011-03-21T06:05:19.243 回答