我已经设法在 V1 DialogflowApp 中一个接一个地成功调用这 2 个方法(geocoder.reverse、timezone.data),但我现在正在升级到 V2,并且似乎无法正确调用这两个异步方法。请帮忙。我分别使用这些包
- 节点地理编码器:^3.22.0
const options = { provider: 'google', httpAdapter: 'https', apiKey: googleApi, formatter: 'json'}; const geocoder = NodeGeocoder(options); const timezone = require('node-google-timezone'); app.intent('saving_prompt', (conv) => { if (conv.data.area) { const deviceCoordinatesStart = conv.device.location.coordinates; const latitudeValueStart = deviceCoordinatesStart.latitude; const longitudeValueStart = deviceCoordinatesStart.longitude; let start = moment(); //Start time in UTC, you could also use dateTime() let startTz = momentTz(); //used because of getting the Timezone const timestamp = 1402629305; // Just a dud placeholder to fulfil timezone function //GEOLOCATION REVERSAL (METHOD 1) geocoder.reverse({lat:latitudeValueStart, lon:longitudeValueStart}, (err, res) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } let startLocation = res[0].administrativeLevels.level1long; conv.data.startLocation = startLocation; //GETTING LOCAL TIMEZONE FROM LAT/LONG AND TIMESTAMP (METHOD 2) timezone.data(latitudeValueStart, longitudeValueStart, timestamp, (err, tz) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } var zoneHolder = tz.raw_response.timeZoneId; const localTime = startTz.tz(zoneHolder).format('LLL'); conv.data.localTime = localTime; app.ask('Your race starts by ' + localTime + 'at' + startLocation); conv.ask(new Suggestions('End Race')); }); }); } else { //Returned if permission not granted conv.ask('You do not have your location on. Say "Locate me", to retrieve your location'); conv.ask(new Suggestions(['Locate me', 'Exit'])); } });
function callTimezoneApi(lat, lon) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let path = '/maps/api/timezone/json?location=' + lat +
',' + lon + '×tamp=' + ts + '&key=' + googleApi;
console.log('API Request: ' + host + path);
// Make the HTTP request to get the weather
host: host,
path: path
}, (res) => {
let body = ''; // var to store the response chunks
res.on('data', (d) => {
body += d;
}); // store each response chunk
res.on('end', () => {
let response = JSON.parse(body);
let zoneHolder = response.timeZoneId;
let startTz = momentTz(); //used in fulfilling the Timezone
const localTime = startTz.tz(zoneHolder).format('LLL');
return resolve(localTime);
res.on('error', (error) => {reject(error);});