我正在尝试在 Google Apps 脚本中实现按pkgName
* Constructor for a SheetDataNode. Takes one, three, or four arguments.
* @param { { package : string, files : { complexity : number, name : string, testingStatus : string }[], rowNumber : number } | string } line data or package name
* @param { string } filename : the files contained in package
* @param { number } complexity : the total number of branches in the file
* @param { number } rowNumber : the row number as this appears in the spreadsheet it is being created from
* @param { string } [ testingStatus ] : the status on the testing of this file. Should be one of the following: NOT_TESTED, FULLY_TESTED, IN_PROGRESS, or PARTIAL
* @returns { SheetDataNode }
* @deprecated This function is not working right now
function SheetDataNode(data, filename, complexity, rowNumber, testingStatus) {
var _pkgName = '';
var _leftChild = null;
var _rightChild = null;
var _beenFound = false;
var _rowNumber = rowNumber;
var _files = [];
// if there's only one argument, it better be an object, having the required fields
if (arguments.length === 1) {
// it should have package field
if ((data.package === undefined) || (data.package !== data.package.toString())) {
throw ReferenceError('only one argument was specified, but it is not an object that contains package');
// it should have files field
if ((data.files === undefined) || (!Array.isArray(data.files))) {
throw ReferenceError('Called from the one-arg constructor, so files should be Array');
// that files field should itself be an object with the following fields: complexity and name
for (var idx in data.files) {
if (data.files[idx].complexity !== parseInt(data.files[idx].complexity)) {
throw TypeError("complexity should be an integer");
if (data.files[idx].name !== data.files[idx].name.toString()) {
throw TypeError("name of file should be a string");
// sort the array of files
// call the initialization function
return SheetDataNode._init(data.package, data.files, parseInt(data.rowNumber));
// performing argument checking
if (filename !== filename.toString()) throw TypeError("filename is supposed to be a String")
if ((complexity !== undefined) && (complexity !== parseInt(complexity))) {
throw TypeError("complexity must be a number, or undefined")
// call the initialization function, constructing a single file object
return SheetDataNode._init(data.toString(), [{
complexity : complexity,
name: filename,
testingStatus : testingStatus
// Helper private function that performs initialization
SheetDataNode._init = function(package, files, rowNumber) {
// bring in the variables
var _pkgName = package;
var _files = files;
var _leftChild = null;
var _rightChild = null;
var _beenFound = false;
var _rowNumber = rowNumber;
// providing a function to add file
_addFile = function(file) {
for (var f in _files) {
if (file.name < _files[f].name) {
_files.splice(f, 0, file)
return {
getRowNumber : function() { return _rowNumber; },
getPackageName : function () { return _pkgName; },
getFiles: function() { return _files; },
addFile : _addFile,
addFiles : function(files) {
if (!Array.isArray(files)) throw TypeError("files should be an Array")
for (var idx in files) {
getLeftChild : function() { return _leftChild; },
setLeftChild : function(node) {
_leftChild = node;
getRightChild : function() { return _rightChild; },
setRightChild : function(node) {
_rightChild = node;
insertNode : function(node) {
// set the current node as the head node
var currentNode = this;
// while we are on a non-null node
while (currentNode) {
// if the package of node is the same as that of currentNode
if (currentNode.getPackageName() === node.getPackageName()) {
// simply add the files of node to currentNode._files
// if the package of node "comes before" that of currentNode, move to the left
if (currentNode.getPackageName() > node.getPackageName()) {
// if the left child of node is defined, that becomes the current node
if (currentNode.getLeftChild()) currentNode = currentNode.getLeftChild()
// else construct it, and we're done
else {
// if the package of node "comes after" that of currentNode, move to the right
if (currentNode.getPackageName() < node.getPackageName()) {
// if the right child of node is defined, that becomes the current node
if (currentNode.getRightChild()) currentNode = currentNode.getRightChild()
// else construct it, and we're done
else {
throw Error("Whoa, some infinite looping was about to happen!")
* Sorts file objects by their name property, alphabetically
* @param { { name : string } } lvalue
* @param { { name : string } } rvalue
* @returns { boolean } the lexical comparison of lvalue.name,rvalue.name
function fileSorter(lvalue, rvalue) {
if (lvalue.name > rvalue.name) return 1;
return (lvalue.name < rvalue.name) ? -1 : 0;
- 构建一个
- 构造另一个
与第一个包名称相同但文件名不同的包 - 插入
- 期望:它现在有两个文件
- 实际:它只有一个:原版。
- 预期:此操作未设置左右子节点
- 实际:此操作未设置左右子节点
QUnit.test("inserting a node having the same package as the node it is assigned to",
function() {
// create the base node
var node = SheetDataNode("example", "main.go", 3, 1)
// insert an other node, with identical package name
var otherNode = SheetDataNode(node.getPackageName(), "logUtility.go", 12, 3)
// node should contain two files, and neither a left child nor a right child
deepEqual(node.getFiles().map(function(val) {
return val.name
["logUtility.go", "main.go"],
"node contains the right file names")
equal(node.getFiles().length, 2, "A package got added to the node")
ok(!node.getLeftChild(), "leftChild still unset")
ok(!node.getRightChild(), "rightChild still unset")
insertNode : function(node) {
// set the current node as the head node
var currentNode = this;
// while we are on a non-null node
while (currentNode) {
// if the package of node is the same as that of currentNode
if (currentNode.getPackageName() === node.getPackageName()) {
// simply add the files of node to currentNode._files
// if the package of node "comes before" that of currentNode, move to the left
if (currentNode.getPackageName() > node.getPackageName()) {
// if the left child of node is defined, that becomes the current node
if (currentNode.getLeftChild()) currentNode = currentNode.getLeftChild()
// else construct it, and we're done
else {
// if the package of node "comes after" that of currentNode, move to the right
if (currentNode.getPackageName() < node.getPackageName()) {
// if the right child of node is defined, that becomes the current node
if (currentNode.getRightChild()) currentNode = currentNode.getRightChild()
// else construct it, and we're done
else {
throw Error("Whoa, some infinite looping was about to happen!")
QUnit.test("testing method addFiles",
function() {
// create the base node
var node = SheetDataNode("example", "main.go", 3, 1)
// create an array of files to add
const filesToAdd = [{
name : 'aFile.go',
complexity : 10
}, {
name : 'anotherFile.go',
complexity : 10
}, {
name : 'yetAnotherFile.go',
complexity : 10
// is node.getFiles() an array?!
ok(Array.isArray(node.getFiles()), "node.getFiles() is an array")
// add the files
// node.getFiles() should be an Array
ok(Array.isArray(node.getFiles()), "node.getFiles() is still an array")
// node.getFiles should now contain filesToAdd
equal(node.getFiles().length, 1 + filesToAdd.length, "node.getFiles().length increased by the length of the files to add")
,与针对 的其他测试一样
以进行数组属性修改。如果是这样,我不知道如何在 Google Apps 脚本中引用SheetDataNode