它是一个 .vbproj,看起来像这样

<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">

我想要得到的只是 ProjectGuid 但是当有命名空间时它不起作用......

 Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()
 Dim filePath As String = Path.Combine(mDirectory, name + "\" + name + ".vbproj")
 Dim value As Object = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/Project/PropertyGroup/ProjectGuid")



6 回答 6


我可能倾向于使用Bartek 的* 命名空间解决方案,但一般的 xpath 解决方案是:



于 2009-02-11T12:05:57.077 回答

做这样的事情(恕我直言)的最好方法是创建一个命名空间管理器。这可以用来调用 SelectNodes 来指示哪些命名空间 URL 连接到哪些前缀。我通常设置一个静态属性,它返回一个足够的实例(它是 C#,你必须翻译):

private static XmlNamespaceManager _nsMgr;
public static XmlNamespaceManager NsMgr
    if (_nsMgr == null)
      _nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
      _nsMgr.AddNamespace("msb", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003");
    return _nsMgr;


Dim value As Object = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/msb:Project/msb:PropertyGroup/msb:ProjectGuid", NsMgr)


于 2009-02-11T12:14:38.833 回答

这个问题已经出现过 几次

您可以使用与命名空间无关的 XPath 表达式(不推荐使用它的笨拙和误报匹配的可能性 -<msb:ProjectGuid>并且<foo:ProjectGuid>对于此表达式是相同的):

//*[本地名称() = 'ProjectGuid']

或者你做正确的事并使用 aXmlNamespaceManager来注册命名空间 URI,这样你就可以在你的 XPath 中包含一个命名空间前缀:

Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()
xmlDoc.Load(Path.Combine(mDirectory, name, name + ".vbproj"))

Dim nsmgr As New XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable)
nsmgr.AddNamespace("msb", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003")

Dim xpath As String = "/msb:Project/msb:PropertyGroup/msb:ProjectGuid"
Dim value As Object = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(xpath, nsmgr)
于 2009-02-11T12:19:19.867 回答

您只需注册此 XML 名称空间并与前缀关联,即可使查询正常工作。选择节点时创建并传递命名空间管理器作为第二个参数:

Dim ns As New XmlNamespaceManager ( xmlDoc.NameTable )
ns.AddNamespace ( "msbuild", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" )
Dim value As Object = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/msbuild:Project/msbuild:PropertyGroup/msbuild:ProjectGuid", ns)
于 2009-02-11T12:20:50.097 回答

一种方法是使用扩展 + NameSpaceManager。
代码在 VB 中,但很容易转换为 C#。

Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Public Module Extensions_XmlHelper

    'XmlDocument Extension for SelectSingleNode
    Public Function _SelectSingleNode(ByVal XmlDoc As XmlDocument, xpath As String) As XmlNode
        If XmlDoc Is Nothing Then Return Nothing

        Dim nsMgr As XmlNamespaceManager = GetDefaultXmlNamespaceManager(XmlDoc, "x")
        Return XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(GetNewXPath(xpath, "x"), nsMgr)
    End Function

    'XmlDocument Extension for SelectNodes
    Public Function _SelectNodes(ByVal XmlDoc As XmlDocument, xpath As String) As XmlNodeList
        If XmlDoc Is Nothing Then Return Nothing

        Dim nsMgr As XmlNamespaceManager = GetDefaultXmlNamespaceManager(XmlDoc, "x")
        Return XmlDoc.SelectNodes(GetNewXPath(xpath, "x"), nsMgr)
    End Function

    Private Function GetDefaultXmlNamespaceManager(ByVal XmlDoc As XmlDocument, DefaultNamespacePrefix As String) As XmlNamespaceManager
        Dim nsMgr As New XmlNamespaceManager(XmlDoc.NameTable)
        nsMgr.AddNamespace(DefaultNamespacePrefix, XmlDoc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)
        Return nsMgr
    End Function

    Private Function GetNewXPath(xpath As String, DefaultNamespacePrefix As String) As String
        'Methode 1: The easy way
        Return xpath.Replace("/", "/" + DefaultNamespacePrefix + ":")

        ''Methode 2: Does not change the nodes with existing namespace prefix
        'Dim Nodes() As String = xpath.Split("/"c)
        'For i As Integer = 0 To Nodes.Length - 1
        '    'If xpath starts with "/", don't add DefaultNamespacePrefix to the first empty node (before "/")
        '    If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Nodes(i)) Then Continue For
        '    'Ignore existing namespaces prefixes
        '    If Nodes(i).Contains(":"c) Then Continue For
        '    'Add DefaultNamespacePrefix
        '    Nodes(i) = DefaultNamespacePrefix + ":" + Nodes(i)
        ''Create and return then new xpath
        'Return String.Join("/", Nodes)
    End Function

End Module


Imports Extensions_XmlHelper

Dim FileXMLTextReader As New XmlTextReader(".....")
FileXMLTextReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None
Dim xmlDoc As XmlDocument = xmlDoc.Load(FileXMLTextReader)
Dim MyNode As XmlNode = xmlDoc._SelectSingleNode("/Document/FirstLevelNode/SecondLevelNode")

Dim MyNode As XmlNodeList = xmlDoc._SelectNodes("/Document/FirstLevelNode/SecondLevelNode")

于 2016-04-11T13:37:51.350 回答

为什么不使用 // 来忽略命名空间:

Dim value As Object = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//ProjectGuid")

// 充当通配符,通过根和指定的下一个节点名称之间的所有内容(即 ProjectGuid)

于 2009-02-11T11:56:46.363 回答