I have a current state where an enum
MyType represent Type table with columns as:
And it's used to identify type using ID parameter with byId
public enum MyType {
FIRST_TYPE("First Type", 10),
SECOND_TYPE("Second Type", 20);
public static class Holder {
static Map<Integer, MyType > idMap = new HashMap<>();
private Holder() { }
private MyType(String name, Integer id) {
this.name = name;
this.id = id;
Holder.idMap.put(id, this);
public String getName() {
return name;
public static MyType byId(Integer id) {
return Holder.idMap.get(id);
My new requirement is to support also values exists in Type table, I found answers for dynamic enum, but accept answer is not to do it
No. Enums are always fixed at compile-time. The only way you could do this would be to dyamically generate the relevant bytecode.
What will be a better solution for finding also values (mainly IDs) from database (for example ID 30)
select ID from TYPE
Can I extends existing state instead of change it? can I add extra IDS from database using method?
Even if I update as @StefanFischer suggested an interface which populate map with enum class and new database class, I still expect in code an enum return by byId
public interface MyType {
public static class Holder {
static Map<Integer, MyType> idMap = new HashMap<>();
private Holder() { }
public default void add(MyType myType, Integer id) {
Holder.idMap.put(id, myType);
public static MyType byId(Integer id) {
return Holder.idMap.get(id);