
Imagine I want to create a bot to attend a pizza delivery service. But I would like to handle if a customer want ask multiple ingredients like:

  bot: what ingredients do you want?
  user: please with cheese, mushrooms, and corn

I have tried AWS Lex, but a single intent can handle a single value per slot.

What framework and facility can I use to do that?


2 回答 2


似乎任何可以处理多标签分类的框架都可以对此有所帮助。Alternativle 尝试在这些实体上训练 NER。

于 2018-12-11T09:34:58.273 回答

我确定 aws lex 不支持单个提示中的多个插槽。然而,在话语中也是可能的。我确信 lex 将在即将发布的版本中提供此功能(在单个提示中捕获多个插槽)。

于 2018-12-10T10:50:29.080 回答