我有一个使用 IO::Socket::Async 和 Redis::Async 进行消息发布的套接字服务器。每当服务器接收到消息时,脚本将翻译该消息并生成确认消息以发送回发送者,以便发送者发送后续消息。由于翻译消息非常昂贵,脚本将在“开始”方法下运行该部分。但是,我注意到 Moar 进程在脚本运行时占用了我的 RAM。有没有想过我应该在哪里解决这个问题?谢谢!


use v6;
use Data::Dump;
use experimental :pack;
use JSON::Tiny;
use Redis::Async;

constant $SOCKET_PORT = 7000;
constant $SOCKET_ADDR = '';
constant $REDIS_PORT = 6379;
constant $REDIS_ADDR = '';
constant $REDIS_AUTH = 'xxxxxxxx';

constant $IDLING_PERIOD_MIN = 180 - 2; # 3 minutes - 2 secs
constant $CACHE_EXPIRE_IN = 86400; # 24h hours

# create socket
my $socket = IO::Socket::Async.listen($SOCKET_ADDR, $SOCKET_PORT);

# connnect to Redis ...
my $redis;
try {
    my $error-code = "110";
    $redis = Redis::Async.new("$SOCKET_ADDR:$SOCKET_PORT");

    CATCH {
        default {
            say "Error $error-code ", .^name, ': Failed to initiate connection to Redis';

# react whenever there is connection
react {
    whenever $socket -> $conn {

        # do something when the connection wants to talk
        whenever $conn.Supply(:bin) {
            # only process if data length is either 108 or 116
            if $_.decode('utf-8').chars == 108 or $_.decode('utf-8').chars == 116 {
                say "Received --> "~$_.decode('utf-8');
                my $ack = generateAck($_.decode('utf-8'));  # generate ack based on received data
                if $ack {
                    $conn.print: $ack;
                    say "No ack. Received data maybe corrupted. Closing connection";

    CATCH {
        default {
            say .^name, ': ', .Str;
            say "handled in $?LINE";

### other subroutines down here ###

1 回答 1


问题在于使用 Async::Redis。Jonathon Stowe 已经修复了 Redis 模块,所以我使用 Redis 模块没有问题。

于 2018-12-23T05:06:16.297 回答