我一直在玩弄在delphi 2010的网格面板中拖放控件。将面板/按钮/无论内容从一个单元格移动到另一个单元格。更换现有的或交换的地方。我还没有弄清楚我是如何知道哪个单元格被删除的,因为它们使用列索引和行索引。
因此,如果我有一个具有 3 列和 3 行的网格面板,并且我在单元格 1/1 中有一个按钮...并且我将该按钮从 1/1 拖到 3/3,我如何从拖放中获取该单元格位置事件?我得到了下降的 x,y 坐标,但我如何从中确定单元格?
我一直在玩弄在delphi 2010的网格面板中拖放控件。将面板/按钮/无论内容从一个单元格移动到另一个单元格。更换现有的或交换的地方。我还没有弄清楚我是如何知道哪个单元格被删除的,因为它们使用列索引和行索引。
因此,如果我有一个具有 3 列和 3 行的网格面板,并且我在单元格 1/1 中有一个按钮...并且我将该按钮从 1/1 拖到 3/3,我如何从拖放中获取该单元格位置事件?我得到了下降的 x,y 坐标,但我如何从中确定单元格?
You can use TGridPanel.CellRect
to get the bounding rectangle for each of the cells. Here's an example of how to use CellRect
// GP: TGridPanel
// This is the "OnDragDrop" handler.
procedure TForm13.GPDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
var DropPoint: TPoint;
CellRect: TRect;
i_col, i_row: Integer;
if Source = Panel1 then // Simple test, is this a drop I want to handle?
DropPoint := Point(X, Y); // Where did the suer drop? We need this so we can easily call PtInRect
for i_col := 0 to GP.ColumnCollection.Count-1 do
for i_row := 0 to GP.RowCollection.Count-1 do
CellRect := GP.CellRect[i_col, i_row]; // Get the bounding rect for Col[i_col, i_row]
if PtInRect(CellRect, DropPoint) then
// Panel1 was dropped over Cell[i_col, i_row]
基于 Cosmin 的回答(这是一个很好的起点,但在现实生活中不起作用)。
我的代码是用 C++ 编写的,但由于它是 Consmin 答案的“克隆”,Delphi 用户可能很容易理解它(并查看发生了什么变化)。
PS:请注意,我拖动 TPanels 而不是 TButtons(一个非常小的变化)。
void __fastcall TfrmVCL::ButtonDragDrop(TObject *Sender, TObject *Source, int X, int Y)
TRect CurCellRect;
TRect DestCellRect;
int Col;
int Row;
int srcCol; int srcRow;
int destCol; int destRow;
int srcIndex; int destIndex;
TPanel *SrcBtn;
TPanel *DestBtn;
SrcBtn = dynamic_cast<TPanel *>(Source);
if (SrcBtn)
int ColCount = GridPnl->ColumnCollection->Count ;
int RowCount = GridPnl->RowCollection->Count ;
srcIndex = GridPnl->ControlCollection->IndexOf( SrcBtn );
srcCol = GridPnl->ControlCollection->Items[ srcIndex ]->Column; // the column for the dragged button
srcRow = GridPnl->ControlCollection->Items[ srcIndex ]->Row;
// we get coordinates of the button I drag onto
DestBtn= dynamic_cast<TPanel *>(Sender);
if (!DestBtn) return;
destIndex = GridPnl->ControlCollection->IndexOf( DestBtn );
destCol = GridPnl->ControlCollection->Items[ destIndex ]->Column; // the column for the dragged button
destRow = GridPnl->ControlCollection->Items[ destIndex ]->Row;
DestCellRect = GridPnl->CellRect[ destCol ][ destRow ];
// Check all cells
for ( Col = 0 ; Col < ColCount ; Col++ )
for ( Row = 0 ; Row < RowCount ; Row++ )
// Get the bounding rect for this cell
CurCellRect = GridPnl->CellRect[ Col ][ Row ];
if (IntersectRect_ForReal(DestCellRect, CurCellRect))
GridPnl->ControlCollection->Items[srcIndex]->SetLocation(Col, Row, false);
lblCurCellRect->Caption= "NO HIT";