例如,我可能(最初)告诉某人“每次从虚拟内存访问都涉及从 RAM 中获取第二次内存以确定转换”,以帮助他们了解页表的工作原理以及涉及的(潜在)性能问题(两倍内存访问)。然后我可能会介绍“翻译后备缓冲区”的概念(在读者了解页表的工作原理并了解 TLB 旨在解决的问题之后)。然后我可能会解释说,实际系统通常具有多个级别的页表(例如,在 64 位 80x86 上它是四个级别,可能涉及 4 次内存访问以确定翻译)并且可能涉及更高级别的缓存/缓冲区(而不仅仅是缓存最终翻译的 TLB)。在这种情况下,我原来的陈述(“
一个现实是(对于长模式下的一个真正的 80x86 CPU,但不是所有长模式下的 80x86 CPU,如果不使用虚拟化,则不是其他模式下的任何 80x86),从虚拟内存读取不会导致页面错误,如果访问没有未对齐/跨页边界拆分(CPU 必须全部执行两次才能从 2 个不同的页获取字节并合并字节):
* if the translation is not in the TLB, then:
* if the area is not in the "page directory cache"
* fetch the PML4 entry to determine address of PDPT (try L1 cache, then L2 cache, then L3 cache, then RAM)
* do access checks based on flags in PML4 entry
* fetch the PDPT entry to determine address of PD (try L1 cache, then L2 cache, then L3 cache, then RAM)
* do access checks based on flags in PDPT entry
* insert data into "page directory cache"
* if the area is in the "page directory cache"
* do access checks based on flags in "page directory cache entry"
* fetch the PD entry to determine address of PT (try L1 cache, then L2 cache, then L3 cache, then RAM)
* do access checks based on flags in PD entry
* fetch the PT entry to determine address of page (try L1 cache, then L2 cache, then L3 cache, then RAM)
* do access checks based on flags in PT entry
* insert data into TLB (including setting the "accessed" flag in the page table entry)
* if the translation is in the TLB, then:
* do access checks based on flags in "TLB entry"
* do the "physical address = physical address of page + offset in page" calculation
* read the data for the physical address (try L1 cache, then L2 cache, then L3 cache, then RAM)
对于这个现实(有提到的限制);从 RAM 中提取的次数可以是 0 到 5 之间的任何值。
你能明白为什么作者(在试图解释页面错误而不是试图解释翻译成本时)可能希望避免显示类似的内容并且可能会简化(假设只需要一次提取,因为翻译在 TLB 中)而不是?