我对 VBA 中的 MSXML2.XMLHTTP 对象有疑问。我需要在 json 中发送一条消息,但 auth 令牌中有双引号。因此,为了让这些双引号到达消息中,使用了反斜杠。现在通过将 xml 解析为 Json,xmlhttp 对象添加了一个额外的反斜杠。
基本上我发送这个“Token token=\x22AAA\x22”
并且服务器接收到这个“Token token=\\x22AAA\\x22”
Sub cmdOAuth2_Click()
Dim webServiceURL As String
Dim actionType As String
Dim targetWord As String
Dim actionType2 As String
Dim targetWord2 As String
webServiceURL = "https://api.esios.ree.es/archives"
actionType = "Accept"
targetWord = "application/json"
actionType2 = "Content-Type"
targetWord2 = "application/json"
actionType3 = "Host"
targetWord3 = "api.esios.ree.es"
actionType4 = "Authorization"
targetWord4 = "Token token=\x22AAA\x22"
actionType5 = "Cookie"
targetWord5 = " "
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", webServiceURL, False
.setRequestHeader actionType, targetWord
.setRequestHeader actionType2, targetWord2
.setRequestHeader actionType3, targetWord3
.setRequestHeader actionType4, targetWord4
.setRequestHeader actionType5, targetWord5
If .Status = 200 Then
Debug.Print .responseText
MsgBox .getAllResponseHeaders
Debug.Print .Status & ": " & .statusText
End If
End With
End Sub