问题在于,根据测试输出,这甚至不会产生集合中的所有元素(java.lang.AssertionError: toArray() 不会返回集合中的所有元素。)
public class BinarySearchTree<E extends Comparable<E>> implements
IfiCollection<E> {
Node root;
Node current;
int size = 0;
int i = 0;
public class Node {
E obj;
Node left, right;
public Node(E e) {
obj = e;
} // END class Node
public E[] toArray(E[] a) {
Node n = root;
a = sort(n, a);
return a;
public E[] sort(Node n, E[] a) { //, int idx, E[] a) {
if (n.left != null) {
current = n.left;
sort(current, a);
a[i] = current.obj;
if (n.right != null) {
current = n.right;
sort(current, a);
return a;
} // END public Node sort
} // END class BinarySearchTree
java.lang.AssertionError:toArray() 不返回集合中的所有元素。:TestPerson("Bender").compareTo(TestPerson("Fry")) == 0 预期:true 但在 inf1010.assignment 处为:false .IfiCollectionTest.assertCompareToEquals(IfiCollectionTest.java:74) 在 inf1010.assignment.IfiCollectionTest.assertCompareToEquals(IfiCollectionTest.java:83) 在 inf1010.assignment.IfiCollectionTest.assertCompareToEqualsNoOrder(IfiCollectionTest.java:100) 在 inf1010.assignment.IfiCollection( IfiCollectionTest.java:202)
protected void assertCompareToEquals(TestPerson actual,
TestPerson expected, String msg) {
assertTrue(actual.compareTo(expected) == 0, String.format( // l:74
"%s: %s.compareTo(%s) == 0", msg, actual, expected));
protected void assertCompareToEquals(TestPerson[] actual,
TestPerson[] expected, String msg) {
for (int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {
TestPerson a = actual[i];
TestPerson e = expected[i];
assertCompareToEquals(a, e, msg); // l:83
protected void assertCompareToEqualsNoOrder(TestPerson[] actual,
TestPerson[] expected, String msg) {
assertEquals(actual.length, expected.length, msg);
TestPerson[] actualElements = new TestPerson[actual.length];
System.arraycopy(actual, 0, actualElements, 0, actual.length);
TestPerson[] expectedElements = new TestPerson[expected.length];
System.arraycopy(expected, 0, expectedElements, 0, expected.length);
assertCompareToEquals(actualElements, expectedElements, msg); // l:100
@Test(dependsOnGroups = { "collection-core" },
description="Tests if method toArray yields all the elements inserted in the collection in sorted order with smallest item first.")
public void toArray() {
TestPerson[] actualElements = c.toArray(new TestPerson[c.size()]);
for (int i = 0; i < actualElements.length; i++) {
"toArray() - array element at index " + i + " is null");
TestPerson[] expectedElements = allElementsAsArray();
assertCompareToEqualsNoOrder(actualElements, expectedElements, // l:202
"toArray() does not return all the elements in the collection.");
assertCompareToEquals(actualElements, expectedElements,
"toArray() does not return the elements in sorted order with "
+ "the smallest elements first.");
TestPerson[] inArr = new TestPerson[NAMES.length + 1];
inArr[NAMES.length] = new TestPerson("TEMP");
actualElements = c.toArray(inArr);
"The the element in the array immediately following the "
+ "end of the list is not set to null");