我正在尝试合并两个相对较大的数据集。我正在通过 SiteID 进行合并 - 这是位置和日期/时间的唯一指标,由年、月 = 月、日和小时 = 小时组成。


编辑:合并正在删除数据,因为每个("SiteID", "Year","Mo","Day", "Hr"). 因此,我需要dB在合并之前插入缺失值(请参阅下面的答案)。 结束编辑




# confirm that data are stored as characters

现在来比较我的SiteID值,我使用 unique 来查看我有哪些字符串,并setdiff查看 R 是否将任何字符串识别为缺失。每个站点都缺少一个站点ID,但这没关系,因为数据中确实缺少它(不是字符串问题)。


setdiff(PC17$SiteID, dB$SiteID)  ## TR2U is the only one missing, this is ok
setdiff(dB$SiteID, PC17$SiteID)  ## FI7D is the only one missing, this is ok

现在,当我查看数据(按 SiteID 总结)时,它看起来像是一个不错的完整数据框——这意味着我拥有每个站点的数据,我应该拥有。

dB %>% 
  group_by(SiteID) %>% 
    min_dBL50=min(dbAL050, na.rm=TRUE),
    max_dBL50=max(dbAL050, na.rm=TRUE),
    mean_dBL50=mean(dbAL050, na.rm=TRUE),
    med_dBL50=median(dbAL050, na.rm=TRUE)

# A tibble: 59 x 5
   SiteID min_dBL50 max_dBL50 mean_dBL50 med_dBL50
   <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 CU1D        35.3      57.3       47.0      47.6
 2 CU1M        33.7      66.8       58.6      60.8
 3 CU1U        31.4      55.9       43.1      43.3
 4 CU2D        40        58.3       45.3      45.2
 5 CU2M        32.4      55.8       41.6      41.3
 6 CU2U        31.4      58.1       43.9      42.6
 7 CU3D        40.6      59.5       48.4      48.5
 8 CU3M        35.8      75.5       65.9      69.3
 9 CU3U        40.9      59.2       46.6      46.2
10 CU4D        36.6      49.1       43.6      43.4
# ... with 49 more rows

在这里,我合并两个数据集 PC17 和 dB,方法是"SiteID", "Year","Mo","Day", "Hr"- 保留所有 PC17 值(即使它们没有与之匹配的 dB 值;all.x=TRUE)。


PCdB<-(merge(PC17, dB, by=c("SiteID", "Year","Mo","Day", "Hr"), all.x=TRUE))

PCdB %>% 
  group_by(SiteID) %>% 
    min_dBL50=min(dbAL050, na.rm=TRUE),
    max_dBL50=max(dbAL050, na.rm=TRUE),
    mean_dBL50=mean(dbAL050, na.rm=TRUE),
    med_dBL50=median(dbAL050, na.rm=TRUE)

# A tibble: 59 x 5
   SiteID min_dBL50 max_dBL50 mean_dBL50 med_dBL50
   <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 CU1D        47.2      54         52.3      54  
 2 CU1M        35.4      63         49.2      49.2
 3 CU1U        35.3      35.3       35.3      35.3
 4 CU2D        42.3      42.3       42.3      42.3
 5 CU2M        43.1      43.2       43.1      43.1
 6 CU2U        43.7      43.7       43.7      43.7
 7 CU3D       Inf      -Inf        NaN        NA  
 8 CU3M        44.1      71.2       57.6      57.6
 9 CU3U        45        45         45        45  
10 CU4D       Inf      -Inf        NaN        NA  
# ... with 49 more rows

我将所有内容都设置as.character()为第一行中的字符。此外,我已经检查了Year, Day, Mo, andHrsetdiffunique就像我在上面对所做的SiteID那样,这些字符串不匹配似乎没有任何问题。



2 回答 2


na.rm = TRUE在您的汇总函数中使用时可能已解决...

data.table 方法:

library( data.table )

dt.PC17 <- fread( "./PC_SO.csv" )
dt.dB <- fread( "./dB.csv" )

#data.table left join on "SiteID", "Year","Mo","Day", "Hr", and the summarise...
dt.PCdB <- dt.dB[ dt.PC17, on = .( SiteID, Year, Mo, Day, Hr ) ]
#summarise, and order by SiteID
result <- setorder( dt.PCdB[, list(min_dBL50  = min( dbAL050, na.rm = TRUE ),
                                   max_dBL50  = max( dbAL050, na.rm = TRUE ),
                                   mean_dBL50 = mean( dbAL050, na.rm = TRUE ),
                                   med_dBL50  = median( dbAL050, na.rm = TRUE ) 
                            by = "SiteID" ], 

head( result, 10 )
#     SiteID min_dBL50 max_dBL50 mean_dBL50 med_dBL50
#  1:   CU1D      47.2      54.0     52.300     54.00
#  2:   CU1M      35.4      63.0     49.200     49.20
#  3:   CU1U      35.3      35.3     35.300     35.30
#  4:   CU2D      42.3      42.3     42.300     42.30
#  5:   CU2M      43.1      43.2     43.125     43.10
#  6:   CU2U      43.7      43.7     43.700     43.70
#  7:   CU3D       Inf      -Inf        NaN        NA
#  8:   CU3M      44.1      71.2     57.650     57.65
#  9:   CU3U      45.0      45.0     45.000     45.00
# 10:   CU4D       Inf      -Inf        NaN        NA


dt.PCdB <- dt.dB[ dt.PC17, on = .( SiteID, Year, Mo, Day, Hr ), nomatch = 0L ]


#     SiteID min_dBL50 max_dBL50 mean_dBL50 med_dBL50
#  1:   CU1D      47.2      54.0     52.300     54.00
#  2:   CU1M      35.4      63.0     49.200     49.20
#  3:   CU1U      35.3      35.3     35.300     35.30
#  4:   CU2D      42.3      42.3     42.300     42.30
#  5:   CU2M      43.1      43.2     43.125     43.10
#  6:   CU2U      43.7      43.7     43.700     43.70
#  7:   CU3M      44.1      71.2     57.650     57.65
#  8:   CU3U      45.0      45.0     45.000     45.00
#  9:   CU4M      52.4      55.9     54.150     54.15
# 10:   CU4U      51.3      51.3     51.300     51.30
于 2018-11-28T08:48:38.277 回答

最后,我对数据有了更好的理解,回答了这个问题。合并函数本身并没有删除任何值,因为它只是按照告诉它的那样做。SiteID, Year, Mo, Day, Hr但是,由于数据集是由结果合并的,因此结果是Inf, NaN, and NA一些SiteID.

这样做的原因是 dB 不是要合并的完全连续的数据集。因此,返回Inf, NaN, and NA了一些值,因为数据在所有变量中都SiteID没有重叠( )。SiteID, Year, Mo, Day, Hr




### We want to first interpolate dB values on the siteID first in dB dataset, BEFORE merging. 
### Why? Because the merge drops all the data that would help with the interpolation!!


dB_clean <- dB %>%
  mutate_if(is.integer, as.character)

# Create a wide table with spots for each minute. Missing will
#   show up as NA's
# All the NA's here in the columns represent 
#   missing jDays that we should add. jDay is an integer date 'julian date'
dB_NA_find <- dB_clean %>%
  count(SiteID, jDay) %>%
  spread(jDay, n)

# A tibble: 59 x 88
# SiteID `13633` `13634` `13635` `13636` `13637` `13638` `13639` `13640` `13641` 
# <fct>    <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>  
#   1 CU1D        NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA     
# 2 CU1M        NA      11      24      24      24      24      24      24      
# 3 CU1U        NA      11      24      24      24      24      24      24      
# 4 CU2D        NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      
# 5 CU2M        NA       9      24      24      24      24      24      24      
# 6 CU2U        NA       9      24      24      24      24      21      NA      
# 7 CU3D        NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      
# 8 CU3M        NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      
# 9 CU3U        NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA     
# 10 CU4D        NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA     

# Take the NA minute entries and make the desired line for each
dB_rows_to_add <- dB_NA_find %>%
  gather(jDay, count, 2:88) %>%
  filter(is.na(count)) %>%
  select(-count, -NA) 

# Add these lines to the original,  remove the NA jDay rows 
#   (these have been replaced with jDay rows), and sort
dB <- dB_clean %>%
  bind_rows(dB_rows_to_add) %>%
  filter(jDay != "NA") %>%
  arrange(SiteID, jDay)

length((dB$DailyL50.x[is.na(dB$DailyL50.x)])) ## How many NAs do I have?
# [1] 3030

## Here is where we do the na.interpolation with package imputeTS
# prime the for loop with zeros

for(i in 1:length(sites)){
  temp<-dB[dB$SiteID==sites[i], ]
  temp$DayL50<-na.interpolation(temp$DailyL50.x, option="spline")
  D<-rbind(D, temp)

# delete the first row of zeros from above 'priming'

length((dBN$DayL50[is.na(dBN$DayL50)])) ## How many NAs do I have?
# [1] 0

因为我根据 对 NA 进行了上述插值jDay,所以我错过了 Month ( Mo)、DayYear这些行的信息。

dBN$Year<-"2017"  #all data are from 2017

##I could not figure out how jDay was formatted, so I created a manual 'key' 
##to get Mo and Day by counting from a known date/jDay pair in original data

# 13635 is Mo=5 Day=1
# 13665 is Mo=5 Day=31
# 13666 is Mo=6 Day=1
# 13695 is Mo=6 Day=30

key4<-data.frame("jDay"=c(13633:13634), "Day"=c(29:30), "Mo"=4)
key5<-data.frame("jDay"=c(13635:13665), "Day"=c(1:31), "Mo"=5)
key6<-data.frame("jDay"=c(13666:13695), "Day"=c(1:30), "Mo"=6)
key7<-data.frame("jDay"=c(13696:13719), "Day"=c(1:24), "Mo"=7)

#make master 'key'

# Merge 'key' with dataset so all rows now have 'Mo' and 'Day' values
dBM<-merge(dBN, key, by="jDay", all.x=TRUE)

#clean unecessary columns and rename 'Mo' and 'Day' so it matches PC17 dataset
dBM<-dBM[ , -c(2,3,6:16)]

#I noticed an issue with duplication - merge with PC17 created a massive dataframe
dBM %>%  ### Have too many observations per day, will duplicate merge out of control.
  count(SiteID, jDay, DayL50) %>% 
    min=min(n, na.rm=TRUE),
    mean=mean(n, na.rm=TRUE),
    max=max(n, na.rm=TRUE)

## to fix this I only kept distinct observations so that each day has 1 observation
dB<-distinct(dBM, .keep_all = TRUE)
### Now run above line again to check how many observations per day are left. Should be 1

现在,当您使用 dB 和 PC17 进行合并时,应该包含插值(之前缺少 NA)。它看起来像这样:

> PCdB<-(merge(PC17, dB, by=c("SiteID", "Year","Mo","Day"), all.x=TRUE, all=FALSE,no.dups=TRUE))
> ### all.x=TRUE is important. This keeps all PC17 data, even stuff that DOESNT have dB data that corresponds to it.

> library(dplyr)

#Here is the NA interpolated 'dB' dataset 
> dB %>% 
+   group_by(SiteID) %>% 
+   dplyr::summarise(
+     min_dBL50=min(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE),
+     max_dBL50=max(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE),
+     mean_dBL50=mean(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE),
+     med_dBL50=median(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE)
+   )
# A tibble: 59 x 5
   SiteID min_dBL50 max_dBL50 mean_dBL50 med_dBL50
   <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 CU1D        44.7      53.1       49.4      50.2
 2 CU1M        37.6      65.2       59.5      62.6
 3 CU1U        35.5      51         43.7      44.8
 4 CU2D        42        52         47.8      49.3
 5 CU2M        38.2      49         43.1      42.9
 6 CU2U        34.1      53.7       46.5      47  
 7 CU3D        46.1      53.3       49.7      49.4
 8 CU3M        44.5      73.5       61.9      68.2
 9 CU3U        42        52.6       47.0      46.8
10 CU4D        42        45.3       44.0      44.6
# ... with 49 more rows

# Now here is the PCdB merged dataset, and we are no longer missing values!
> PCdB %>% 
+   group_by(SiteID) %>% 
+   dplyr::summarise(
+     min_dBL50=min(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE),
+     max_dBL50=max(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE),
+     mean_dBL50=mean(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE),
+     med_dBL50=median(DayL50, na.rm=TRUE)
+   )
# A tibble: 60 x 5
   SiteID min_dBL50 max_dBL50 mean_dBL50 med_dBL50
   <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 CU1D        44.8      50         46.8      47  
 2 CU1M        59        63.9       62.3      62.9
 3 CU1U        37.9      46         43.6      44.4
 4 CU2D        42.1      51.6       45.6      44.3
 5 CU2M        38.4      48.3       44.2      45.5
 6 CU2U        39.8      50.7       45.7      46.4
 7 CU3D        46.5      49.5       47.7      47.7
 8 CU3M        67.7      71.2       69.5      69.4
 9 CU3U        43.3      52.6       48.1      48.2
10 CU4D        43.2      45.3       44.4      44.9
# ... with 50 more rows
于 2018-12-12T20:46:21.697 回答