I have an array of objects, I would like to remove duplicates. My array has a common field name that I would like to use for deduplication.

I am trying to convert the array to a map and then from map back to array but map conversions gives me an error duplicate field name: "a":

local arr = [ 
    { "name": "a", "value": 1234},
    { "name": "b", "value": 555},
    { "name": "c", "value": 0}, 
    { "name": "a", "value": 1234} 
local map = { [x.name] : x  for x in arr };

Desired output:

      { "name": "a", "value": 1234},
      { "name": "b", "value": 555}, 
      { "name": "c", "value": 0} 

2 回答 2


正如@seh 在ksonnet channel中指出的那样,最新的 jsonnet 版本现在允许std.set()在对象上使用。

 local arr = [
    { name: "a", value: 1234 },
    { name: "b", value: 555 },
    { name: "c", value: 0 },
    { name: "a", value: 1234 },
 std.set(arr, function(o) o.name)

std.set()头记录在jsonnet 的 std lib implementation中。

于 2018-11-28T21:44:37.630 回答


您可以通过将理解替换为 来实现它std.foldl(),请注意排序问题:

local arr = [
  { name: "a", value: 4321 },
  { name: "b", value: 555 },
  { name: "c", value: 0 },
  { name: "a", value: 1234 },

// Use foldl to iterate from array, can't use comprehension because of dup fields
local map = std.foldl(function(x, y) x { [y.name]: y }, arr, {});

// Re-convert map to array, note that it'll not respect original order
// but fields' (ie 'name' key)
[ map[x] for x in std.objectFields(map)]


如果您需要在输出数组中保留原始排序顺序,则可以添加一个_idx字段以在 final 中使用sort()

local arr = [
  { name: "a", value: 4321 },
  { name: "b", value: 555 },
  { name: "c", value: 0 },
  { name: "a", value: 1234 },

// Overload array elements with there index (`_idx` field)
local idxArray = std.mapWithIndex(function(i, x) x { _idx:: i }, arr);

// Use foldl to iterate from array, can't use comprehension because of dup fields
local map = std.foldl(function(x, y) x { [y.name]: y }, idxArray, {});

// Re-convert map to array, it'll keep original order via added _idx field
std.sort([map[x] for x in std.objectFields(map)], function(e) e._idx)
于 2018-11-28T14:32:03.343 回答