我正在尝试使用 MIP 使用纸浆包将岛屿连接在一起或连接到终端。所需的解决方案是找到系统中的最小距离。
下面的 MIP 代码结果显示,最小距离是将所有岛屿连接到终端,尽管岛屿与终端之间的距离明显很高。代码应该将一些岛屿连接在一起。
我究竟做错了什么 ?感谢您的支持。
import itertools
import pulp
islands = {0: [(0, 0)], 1: [(0, 7)], 2: [(3, 3)]} ## islands id = 0,1,2 and their locations
terminal = {3: [(1,1)]} ## the terminal id = 3 and its location
distances = {(0,1): 1.0, (0,2): 2.0, (1,2): 3.0, (0,3): 33.0, (1,3): 34.0, (2,3): 23.0} ## distances of connecting islands together and islands to terminal
islandsPair = [(m, n) for m in islands for n in islands if m < n] ## islands pair
terminalPair = [(b, c) for b in islands for c in terminal] ## island-terminal pair
x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("x", distances.keys(), lowBound=0, upBound=1)
p = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("p", islandsPair, lowBound=0, upBound=1)
l = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("l", terminalPair, lowBound=0, upBound=1)
mod = pulp.LpProblem("Islands", pulp.LpMinimize)
# Objective
mod += sum([distances[k] * x[k] for k in distances])
## constraint that there has to be at least 3 connections in the system:
for island in range(len(islands)):
mod += sum(p[(m, n)] for m in islands for n in islands if m < n) + sum(l[(b, c)] for b in islands for c in terminal) >= 3
# Solve and output
## printing the solutions:
print pulp.LpStatus[mod.status]
print '0,3',l[(0, 3)].value()
print '1,3',l[(1, 3)].value()
print '2,3',l[(2, 3)].value()
print '0,1',p[(0, 1)].value()
print '0,2',p[(0, 2)].value()
print '1,2',p[(1, 2)].value()