these days i'm trying to learn more about mongoose to implement it in my project ,while going through the doc , i saw both Model and Query, both have many methods in common ,my question is what is the difference between them for example

Model.findOne()vs Query.prototype.findOne(), and thank you in advance.


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Model.findOne()是使用 findOne() 查询从数据库中查找单个文档的实际方法

Query.prototype.findOne()表示 findOne 查询的原型


例子 :

 Kitten.where({ color: 'white' }).findOne(function (err, kitten) {
      if (err) return handleError(err);
      if (kitten) {
        // doc may be null if no document matched

mongoose 已经展示了您可以用于 Model 的所有Query的原型,这意味着您在查找文档时可以传递给 Query 的内容。

于 2018-11-22T19:47:32.960 回答