The specification for the web-bluetooth is not clear in indicating whether it is possible to connect to multiple devices simultaneously. The navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice() accepts set of filters and returns a promise when one of the device is selected from the pop-up. I couldnt find a way to silently connect and listen to all devices matching the given filter. Does anybody know if this is possible and if yes, could point me to some example?


1 回答 1


根据我的经验,可以使用网络蓝牙连接多个 BLE 设备。但是,无法静默连接一个 BLE 设备或同时连接多个 BLE 设备。您必须一一连接到它们。

有一个关于网络蓝牙资源的链接讨论了这个问题: https ://github.com/WebBluetoothCG/web-bluetooth/issues/42


于 2019-03-17T20:44:40.373 回答