我必须在 oracle 11 中使用参数 URL_DATASTORE 创建一个索引,但是,当我尝试创建此索引时,oracle 会返回此错误
create index IDX_IT on informazioni_testi(
indextype is ctxsys.context
parameters ( 'Datastore CTXSYS.URL_DATASTORE' );
Error starting at line 1 in command:
create index IDX_IT on informazioni_testi(url)
indextype is ctxsys.context
parameters ( 'Datastore CTXSYS.FILE_DATASTORE' )
Error at Command Line:1 Column:13
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
ORA-20000: Oracle Text error:
DRG-10758: index owner does not have the privilege to use file or URL datastore
ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 160
29855. 00000 - "error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine"
*Cause: Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexCreate routine.
*Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly.
grant RESOURCE TO parlamento2018; -->GRANT RESOURCE succeeded.
grant CONNECT TO parlamento2018; --> grant CONNECT succeeded.
grant CTXAPP TO parlamento2018; --> grant CTXAPP succeeded.
grant execute on ctx_ddl to parlamento2018; --> grant execute succeeded.
grant execute on CTX_CLS to parlamento2018; --> grant execute succeeded.
grant execute on CTX_DOC to parlamento2018; --> grant execute succeeded.
grant execute on CTX_OUTPUT to parlamento2018; --> grant execute succeeded.
grant execute on CTX_QUERY to parlamento2018; --> grant execute succeeded.
grant execute on CTX_REPORT to parlamento2018; --> grant execute succeeded.
grant execute on CTX_THES to parlamento2018; --> grant execute succeeded.