我正在使用Exercism 来学习 F#。Nth Prime 挑战是建立一个埃拉托色尼筛。单元测试让您搜索第 1,001 个素数,即 104,743。
我修改了我记得的F# For Fun and Profit中的代码片段以批量工作(需要 10k 个素数,而不是 25 个),并将其与我自己的命令式版本进行比较。存在显着的性能差异:
有没有一种有效的方法可以惯用地做到这一点?我喜欢F#。我喜欢使用 F# 库节省的时间。但有时我看不到有效的惯用路线。
// we only need to check numbers ending in 1, 3, 7, 9 for prime
let getCandidates seed =
let nextTen seed ten =
let x = (seed) + (ten * 10)
[x + 1; x + 3; x + 7; x + 9]
let candidates = [for x in 0..9 do yield! nextTen seed x ]
match candidates with
| 1::xs -> xs //skip 1 for candidates
| _ -> candidates
let filterCandidates (primes:int list) (candidates:int list): int list =
let isComposite candidate =
primes |> List.exists (fun p -> candidate % p = 0 )
candidates |> List.filter (fun c -> not (isComposite c))
let prime nth : int option =
match nth with
| 0 -> None
| 1 -> Some 2
| _ ->
let rec sieve seed primes candidates =
match candidates with
| [] -> getCandidates seed |> filterCandidates primes |> sieve (seed + 100) primes //get candidates from next hunderd
| p::_ when primes.Length = nth - 2 -> p //value found; nth - 2 because p and 2 are not in primes list
| p::xs when (p * p) < (seed + 100) -> //any composite of this prime will not be found until after p^2
sieve seed (p::primes) [for x in xs do if (x % p) > 0 then yield x]
| p::xs ->
sieve seed (p::primes) xs
Some (sieve 0 [3; 5] [])
type prime =
val BaseNumber: int
val mutable NextMultiple: int
new (baseNumber) = {BaseNumber = baseNumber; NextMultiple = (baseNumber * baseNumber)}
//next multiple that is odd; (odd plus odd) is even plus odd is odd
member this.incrMultiple() = this.NextMultiple <- (this.BaseNumber * 2) + this.NextMultiple; this
let prime nth : int option =
match nth with
| 0 -> None
| 1 -> Some 2
| _ ->
let nth' = nth - 1 //not including 2, the first prime
let primes = Array.zeroCreate<prime>(nth')
let mutable primeCount = 0
let mutable candidate = 3
let mutable isComposite = false
while primeCount < nth' do
for i = 0 to primeCount - 1 do
if primes.[i].NextMultiple = candidate then
isComposite <- true
primes.[i] <- primes.[i].incrMultiple()
if isComposite = false then
primes.[primeCount] <- new prime(candidate)
primeCount <- primeCount + 1
isComposite <- false
candidate <- candidate + 2
Some primes.[nth' - 1].BaseNumber