I'm using the latest cropper.js react package react-cropper in my current project and I'am just lost. The problem is, that the crop area can go outside of the image, which should not. I have tried everything I can think of.
Here is the _crop method which is called on every change in cropper.
componentDidMount = () => {
sessionStorage.setItem('shouldMove', false)
_crop = ( e ) => {
var canvasData = document.getElementsByClassName('cropper-hidden')
var cropBoxData = this.refs.cropper.getCropBoxData();
if ( sessionStorage.getItem('shouldMove') === 'false' ) {
sessionStorage.setItem( 'currentLeft', cropBoxData.left )
sessionStorage.setItem( 'currentTop', cropBoxData.top )
sessionStorage.setItem('shouldMove', true)
}else {
if (
cropBoxData.left <= canvasData.left ||
cropBoxData.top <= canvasData.top ||
cropBoxData.left + cropBoxData.width > canvasData.width +
canvasData.left ||
cropBoxData.top + cropBoxData.height > canvasData.height +
) {
cropBoxData.left = sessionStorage.getItem( 'currentLeft' )
cropBoxData.top = sessionStorage.getItem( 'currentTop' )
zoomTo={ this.state.zoomValue }
I know it's a sessionStorage nightmare, but I can't use state because it would reset whole cropper. I'm also getting the canvasData from the image tag, because the cropper.canvasData() function is not working in this react package.
In my code above, react is able to detect that crop area is outside of the image, but I don't know what I should do there. I tried to set the position of the crop area to the first position where it's outside of the image. But the data is not changing.