I've downloaded and installed Visual C# 2010 Express and XNA Game Studio 4.0 on to my XP (32-bit) machine. I had to do this by downloading the files individually as the App Hub package wouldn't install when I tried that, something to do with the Windows Phone stuff.

Anyway, I'm having trouble with transparency on PNGs and I took the project in to work today, and found that by changing Content Importer and Processor (properties) transparency worked fine, this was on a Windows 7 machine.

However on my XP installation at home, the drop down menus for these two boxes are empty. I have tried complete uninstall and re-install but this didn't help. Is there anything else I can try?

I can run the code fine, just can't get transparency on my images.

I'm basically missing the drop-downs shown in the image on this page:


Interesting Addition: If i set the importer and processor at work, save the project, and bring it home, the settings show up and work. So it appears i'm purely missing the link between the drop down menus and the available settings.


3 回答 3


如果“单独下载文件”意味着您下载了错误的东西,这里是XNA Game Studio 4.0的独立安装程序它将在 Windows XP 上运行。

(另一方面,Windows Phone 开发者工具只能安装在 Vista 及更高版本上。)

于 2011-03-17T08:38:56.100 回答

我的 PNG 的透明度也有问题。它可能是您用来创建/转换 png 文件的程序。我使用了 irfanview 并且不再有任何问题。

于 2011-03-17T14:40:23.180 回答

在使用 XP 时,我从未找到解决方案。但是,现在我已经升级到 Windows 7,一切都按预期工作。因此,我只能假设我的 Net Framework、XNA Game Studio 或 XP 安装有问题;或者 XNA Game Studio 不完全支持 XP。

于 2011-12-02T22:54:56.710 回答