I use the Bunny gem and configured a user in RabbitMQ like this:

virtual host  / 
configure:   device1\..*
write:       .*
read:        device1\..*

The goal is: the user should be able to create a queue named like this: device1.mail and should be able to read / write to it. To all other queues I only want to give the user write access (but not read).

When I try to write to an existing durable queue named calc with Bunny I get an error:

conn = Bunny.new('amqp://device1:device1@')
ch = conn.create_channel
q = ch.queue("calc", durable: true)

Bunny::AccessRefused (ACCESS_REFUSED - access to queue 'calc' in vhost '/' refused for user 'device1')

When I set the configure rights to .* for the user, then it works. I'm able to write to the queue, but not read. However like that the user can create queues named like he wants...

So it seems the configure right is needed in order to open the queue (even though it's an existing queue?).

What am I missing here?


1 回答 1


声明队列时需要将passive设置为true。如果将被动设置为 true,则不会应用配置权限,并且如果用户尝试创建非预定义队列,则会引发错误。

q = ch.queue("calc", durable: true, passive: true)
于 2018-11-11T05:14:01.680 回答