我有一个数据库,其中包含使用 php Mcrypt 库加密的 3DES (ECB) 加密数据。由于不推荐使用 Mcrypt,我需要切换到 OpenSSL 来解密它。所有数据将使用 xchacha20-poly1305-ietf 重新加密。
所以我不需要关于 3DES 不安全和 ECB 不好等的评论,我们知道,这就是我们试图解密以获得更好的加密算法的原因。
我在下面提供了用于使用 mcrypt 进行加密的代码以及我们尝试使用 (openssl) 对其进行解密的 1 行。它总是返回 false,我们想知道为什么。
我开始怀疑问题出在使用 8 字节 IV 的 mcrypt 库上,而打开 SSL 说它必须是 0 字节。
$sEncryptionKey = 'aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffff';
$sDataToEncrypt = 'Foo bar';
echo "Data to be Encrypted: $sDataToEncrypt\n";
$rMcrypt = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_3DES, '', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, '');
$iIvSize = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($rMcrypt); //This gives 8 bytes
$sInitializationVector = mcrypt_create_iv($iIvSize, MCRYPT_RAND);
$iKeySize = mcrypt_enc_get_key_size($rMcrypt);
if ($iKeySize != strlen($sEncryptionKey)) {
throw new Exception ('Invalid key length: '.$iKeySize);
mcrypt_generic_init($rMcrypt, $sEncryptionKey, $sInitializationVector);
$sEncryptedString = base64_encode(mcrypt_generic($rMcrypt, $sDataToEncrypt));
echo "Data Encrypted: $sEncryptedString\n";
$sDecryptedString = trim(mdecrypt_generic($rMcrypt, base64_decode($sEncryptedString)));
echo "Data Decrypted: $sDecryptedString\n";
$sDecryptedString2 = openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($sEncryptedString), 'des-ede3', $sEncryptionKey, 0, ''); //this returns false.
echo "Data Decrypted (open SSL): $sDecryptedString2\n";
$sDecryptedString2 = openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($sEncryptedString), 'des-ede3', $sEncryptionKey, 0, $sInitializationVector); //Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is 8 bytes long which is longer than the 0 expected by selected cipher, truncating
Data to be Encrypted: Foo bar
Data Encrypted: 5Mraf9swmaI=
Data Decrypted: Foo bar
Data Decrypted (open SSL):
Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is 8 bytes long which is longer than the 0 expected by selected cipher, truncating in /usr/local/www/appcluster01.ezmax.ca/pub/web/test/ian/test.cmd on line 31