参考:如何使用存档文件名中存档文件夹的日期创建 RAR 存档?


@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "FolderToBackup=%1"

rem Get last modification date/time of the folder to backup
rem in region dependent format which is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm.
for %%I in ("%FolderToBackup%") do set "FolderTimeStamp=%%~tI"

rem Get from this date/time string just the year, month
rem and day of month from the date without the hyphens.
set "FolderTimeStamp=%FolderTimeStamp:~0,4%%FolderTimeStamp:~5,2%%FolderTimeStamp:~8,2%"

rem Compress the folder to backup into a RAR archive file with
rem last modification date of folder used in archive file name.
"%Programw6432%\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a -ac -cfg- -dh -ep1 -ibck -m4 -oh -ol -os -ow -r -ts -y -- %FolderTimeStamp%_%FolderToBackup%.rar "%FolderToBackup%"

rem Restore the environment as set before usage of command SETLOCAL at top.

我习惯于使用 Total Commander 来管理我的文件。

我将批处理文件配置为TC按钮栏上的一个按钮,按钮设置参数: %s . 当活动项目是d:\doc\aatempTC 中的文件夹时,我按下按钮,TC 调用批处理文件并将正确的文件夹名称传递给打包文件夹的批处理文件。


所以我用按钮设置参数制作了另一个批处理文件: %L . TC 在临时文件的文件夹中创建一个列表文件,使用%L写入此列表文件的选定文件/文件夹的全限定名,并使用此临时列表文件的全名调用批处理文件。

rem @echo off
rem Processing of %L or %WL
REM setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem for /f "usebackq delims=" %%s in (`type %1`) do echo "%%s"
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%s in (`type %1`) do (
echo "%%s"
rem pause

set FolderToBackup=%%s
echo !FolderToBackup!
REM pause

if "!FolderToBackup:~-1!"=="\" set "FolderToBackup=!FolderToBackup:~0,-1!"
echo !FolderToBackup!

rem Get last modification date/time of the folder to backup
rem in region dependent format which is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm.
for %%I in ("!FolderToBackup!") do set "FolderTimeStamp=%%~tI"
echo !FolderTimeStamp!

rem Get from this date/time string just the year, month
rem and day of month from the date without the hyphens.
set "FolderTimeStamp=!FolderTimeStamp:~0,4!!FolderTimeStamp:~5,2!!FolderTimeStamp:~8,2!"
echo !FolderTimeStamp!

rem Compress the folder to backup into a RAR archive file with
rem last modification date of folder used in archive file name.
rem "!Programw6432!\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a -ac -cfg- -dh -ep1 -ibck -m4 -oh -ol -os -ow -r -ts -y -- !FolderTimeStamp!_!FolderToBackup!.rar !FolderToBackup!
c:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe a -ac -cfg- -dh -ep1 -ibck -m4 -oh -ol -os -ow -r -ts -y -- !FolderTimeStamp!_!FolderToBackup!.rar !FolderToBackup!

rem Restore the environment as set before usage of command SETLOCAL at top.




1 回答 1


例如,Total Commander 可以调用此批处理文件的扩展版本,其第一个参数是绝对或什至是不以反斜杠结尾或以反斜杠结尾的相对文件夹路径,以及具有绝对或相对文件路径的现有列表文件的名称。

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "FolderToBackup="
if "%~1" == "" goto ErrorArg
set "FolderToBackup=%~f1"

rem Does the argument string not end with a backslash for a folder path?
if not "%FolderToBackup:~-1%" == "\" goto IsFolder

rem The argument string is a folder path.
rem Does the specified folder not exist?
if not exist "%FolderToBackup%" goto ErrorArg

rem The specified folder exists and is archived now on not being a root folder.
call :BackupFolder
goto EndBatch

rem Does the argument without trailing backslash not specify a folder?
if not exist "%FolderToBackup%\" goto ExistsFile

rem The argument is a folder path.
rem This folder is archived now on not being a root folder.
call :BackupFolder
goto EndBatch

rem The argument string is definitely not a folder path.
rem Does the argument string not specify an existing file?
if not exist "%FolderToBackup%" goto ErrorArg

rem The argument string specifies a file which is hopefully a list file.
set "ListFile=%FolderToBackup%"
for /F "usebackq eol=| delims=" %%I in ("%ListFile%") do (
    set "FolderToBackup=%%~I"
    call :BackupFolder
goto EndBatch

rem Remove the backslash at end of folder path if there is one at all.
if "%FolderToBackup:~-1%" == "\" set "FolderToBackup=%FolderToBackup:~0,-1%"
rem Exit the subroutine if the folder path was root folder of a drive.
if "%FolderToBackup:~2%" == "" goto :EOF
rem Does the folder to backup not exist? This skips also files!
if not exist "%FolderToBackup%\" goto :EOF

for %%J in ("%FolderToBackup%") do set "FolderName=%%~nxJ" & set "FolderPath=%%~dpJ"

rem Get last modification date/time of the folder to backup
rem in region dependent format which is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm.
for %%J in ("%FolderToBackup%") do set "FolderTimeStamp=%%~tJ"

rem Get from this date/time string just the year, month
rem and day of month from the date without the hyphens.
set "FolderTimeStamp=%FolderTimeStamp:~0,4%%FolderTimeStamp:~5,2%%FolderTimeStamp:~8,2%"

rem Compress the folder to backup into a RAR archive file with
rem last modification date of folder used in archive file name.
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a -ac -cfg- -dh -ep1 -ibck -m4 -oh -ol -os -ow -r -ts -y -- "%FolderPath%%FolderTimeStamp%_%FolderName%.rar" "%FolderToBackup%"
goto :EOF

if defined FolderToBackup (echo %~f0 "%FolderToBackup%") else echo %~f0
echo Error: This batch file must be started with path of an existing folder
echo        or the name of a list file with one or more folder paths. It is
echo        not possible to use this batch file with root folder of a drive.

rem Restore the environment as set before usage of command SETLOCAL at top.


在 Total Commander(简称:TC)中,可以通过仅使用工具栏中的一项来使用一个或多个文件夹路径调用此批处理文件。将具有完整路径的批处理文件指定为Command%L并指定为Parameters

TC 使用作为第一个参数传递的文件夹路径执行批处理文件,并将单个文件夹拖放到工具栏中的此项上。

单击工具栏中的项目,其中一个文件夹在活动窗格中处于活动状态,或者在活动窗格中选择了一个或多个文件夹,导致批处理文件的执行,TC 临时创建具有活动文件夹或所选文件夹的完整限定文件夹名称的列表文件(s),除了在活动窗格中没有选择任何内容并且活动是..

于 2018-11-09T15:41:05.890 回答