I'm new to this. I've made a iframe tab page and added to my Facebook page from instructions on the internet. Now, on my tab page, I have 5 songs list to giveaway. Each song should have a 'download' and 'comments' link beside it. 1. For the 'download' link, after user clicked and the 'save as' box appeared, how do I post to user's wall something like "have downloaded the song Bla Bla Bla from ArtistXYZ fan page! Get it for yourself!" 2. How do I make the 'comment' part working? Thank you.


1 回答 1

  1. 您需要让用户授权您的应用程序访问歌曲列表(有publish_stream 权限
  2. 下载时将消息发布到用户墙
  3. 对于评论部分,您需要使用评论插件
  4. 您需要与Linkin Park Facebook 页面中类似的方法,此处解释了该方法。
于 2011-03-18T09:38:57.427 回答