Greetings All;

I need to use google translitrate api in a java application.

What I have done till now is to import the sample in the library "gwt-language-1.1.0" that called "hellolanguage" in the netbeans, then I added the required libraries/jars.

It worked fine like this demo: hellolanguage Demo but on my localhost.

what I want to do is to transliterate data from "inputfile.txt" for example and put the output in an "outputfile.txt".

I don't know how to implement this idea?

I'll be glad if you help me.

Best regards;


1 回答 1


你会想看看 Java IO API,Oracle 上有一个很好的教程。本教程的这一部分将特别有用,并且应该提供一些可剪切和粘贴的代码。

您可以在此处找到一个很好的 Google Transliteration API 示例。您需要在代码部分中添加自定义代码,如下所示:

new TransliterationCallback() {

protected void onCallback(TransliterationResult result) {
// your code here

于 2011-03-16T11:29:13.290 回答