is it possible to not print a div include in a printThis() element ?

example :

<div id="print-it">


<div id="no-print-this">
<button>must be show on page but not print</button>


<button id="printMe">Print button</button>


$("#printMe").click(function () {

the div id "no-print-this" is ever show to print... is it possible to hide it on the print page with this jQuery printing plugin method ?

Can add $('#no-print-this').hide(); to the jquery click function but div "no-print-this" is not show again after closing print window browser...

The @media print method have no effect here. So i dont know if its possible with the prinThis jquery plugin.

Thanks !


1 回答 1


so the solution : (thanks to Showdev)

$("#printMe").click(function () {

            importCSS: true,
            importStyle: true,
            loadCSS: "/assets/css/print_rules_page1.css"

it need to use inportCSS and loadCSS with the printThis() jquery plugin

CSS ("loadCSS" load file print_rules_page1.css)

@media print 
#no-print-this,#no-print-this2 *{
display: none !important;
于 2018-11-08T20:47:12.250 回答