我们正在使用 SMO 在 SQL Server 2016 上将表从一台服务器传输到另一台服务器。
有一段时间,仅在 1 台服务器上传输仅 3 次成功,而且我们总是收到相同的错误消息,并没有说明太多:传输数据时发生错误。有关详细信息,请参阅内部异常。
相同的包已部署到我们的 4 个环境(Dev、Test、Qa 和 Prod)并且每天都在运行。但是,我们只在测试中遇到了这个问题。
我们的 DBA 并没有做太多的工作来帮助我们找到附加的原因。你能告诉我在哪里看吗?那个SSIS包很久没有更新了,构建的版本在所有环境下都是一样的。
这是我们在包中的 .vb 脚本:
Public Sub Main()
' Source and Destination Servers
' MsgBox(Dts.Variables("User::SourceServer").Value.ToString)
Dim srvSourceName As String = Dts.Variables("SourceServer").Value.ToString '"brdsqldev"
Dim srvDestinationName As String = Dts.Variables("DestinationServer").Value.ToString '"brdsqldev"
Dim bt(0) As Byte
' Source and Destination Databases
Dim dbSourceName As String = Dts.Variables("SourceDB").Value.ToString
Dim dbDestinationName As String = Dts.Variables("DestinationDB").Value.ToString
Dts.Log("The Transfer starts", 0, bt)
Dts.Log("Transfer starts with tables", 0, bt)
Dts.Log("Transfer starts with tables" & srvSourceName, 0, bt)
Dts.Log("Transfer starts with tables" & srvDestinationName, 0, bt)
Dts.Log("Transfer starts with tables" & dbSourceName, 0, bt)
Dts.Log("Transfer starts with tables" & dbDestinationName, 0, bt)
' TableExists()
Transfer(srvSourceName, srvDestinationName, dbSourceName, dbDestinationName, CType(Dts.Variables.Item("myDataTable").Value, System.Data.DataTable), TransferObjectType.Table)
' Transfer(srvSourceName, srvDestinationName, dbSourceName, dbDestinationName, CType(Dts.Variables.Item("myDataViews").Value, System.Data.DataTable), TransferObjectType.View)
Dts.Log("Transfer done with tables", 0, bt)
Dts.Log("The Transfer ran successfully", 0, bt)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
'MessageBox.Show("The transfer ran successfully.")
Catch ex As Exception
Dts.Events.FireError(99, "", ex.Message.ToString(), "", -1)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Failure
'MessageBox.Show("The transfer was aborted.")
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub Transfer(ByVal srvSourceName As String, ByVal srvDestinationName As String, ByVal dbSourceName As String, ByVal dbDestinationName As String, ByVal dataTableToTransfer As DataTable, ByVal type As TransferObjectType)
Dim srcsrv As Server
srcsrv = New Server(srvSourceName)
Dim dbSource As Database
dbSource = srcsrv.Databases(dbSourceName)
Dim dessrv As Server
dessrv = New Server(srvDestinationName)
Dim dbDestination As Database
dbDestination = dessrv.Databases(dbDestinationName)
Dim oleDA As New OleDbDataAdapter
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim row As DataRow
Dim sMsg As String
Dim xfr As Transfer
Dim bt(0) As Byte
Dts.Log("Transfer Subroutine starts ...", 0, bt)
xfr = New Transfer(dbSource)
xfr.CopyAllTables = False
xfr.Options.WithDependencies = False
xfr.Options.ContinueScriptingOnError = False
xfr.CopyAllRoles = False
xfr.CopyAllLogins = False
xfr.CopyAllDatabaseTriggers = False
xfr.CopyAllDefaults = False
xfr.CopyAllPartitionFunctions = False
xfr.CopyAllObjects = False
xfr.CopyAllPartitionFunctions = False
xfr.CopyAllPartitionSchemes = False
xfr.CopyAllRules = False
xfr.CopyAllSchemas = False
xfr.CopyAllSqlAssemblies = False
xfr.CopyAllStoredProcedures = False
xfr.CopyAllSynonyms = False
xfr.CopyAllUserDefinedAggregates = False
xfr.CopyAllUserDefinedDataTypes = False
xfr.CopyAllUserDefinedFunctions = False
xfr.CopyAllUserDefinedTypes = False
xfr.CopyAllUsers = False
xfr.CopyAllViews = False
xfr.CopyAllXmlSchemaCollections = False
xfr.CopySchema = True
xfr.DestinationDatabase = dbDestination.Name
xfr.DestinationServer = dessrv.Name
xfr.DestinationLoginSecure = True
xfr.DropDestinationObjectsFirst = False
Select Case type
Case TransferObjectType.Table
xfr.CopyData = True
Case TransferObjectType.View
xfr.CopyData = False
Case Else
Dts.Log("Unknown object transfer type. (-99)", -99, bt)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Failure
'Throw New Exception("Unknown object transfer type.")
End Select
dt = dataTableToTransfer
Dts.Log("Transfer Subroutine just before Row Count...", 0, bt)
If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
Dts.Log("Transfer Row Count > 0...", 0, bt)
For Each row In dt.Rows
Dim tblSourceName As String
Dim tblSourceSchema As String
tblSourceSchema = row("transferschema").ToString()
tblSourceName = row("transferobject").ToString
Select Case type
Case TransferObjectType.Table
xfr.ObjectList.Add(dbSource.Tables(tblSourceName.ToString, tblSourceSchema.ToString))
Case TransferObjectType.View
xfr.ObjectList.Add(dbSource.Views(tblSourceName.ToString, tblSourceSchema.ToString))
Case Else
Dts.Events.FireError(99, "Transfer Object", "Unknows object type", "", -1)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Failure
'Throw New Exception("Unknown object transfer type.")
End Select
Dts.Events.FireInformation(1, "", "Just before transfering data", "", -1, False)
End If
Catch ex As InternalSmoErrorException
Dim bt(0) As Byte
Dts.Events.FireError(99, "Transfer Objects", ex.Message.ToString(), "", -1)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Failure
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub OutPutError(ex As Exception)
Dim ErrorLogDir As String
Dim OutPutFileName As String
ErrorLogDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Dts.Connections("ExportNightlyTransfer.xml").ConnectionString.ToString())
OutPutFileName = ErrorLogDir + "\\" + Dts.Variables("PackageName").Value.ToString() + "ErrorReport" + Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".txt"
Using sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(OutPutFileName)
sw.WriteLine("Package Name: " + Dts.Variables("PackageName").Value.ToString())
sw.WriteLine("Task Name: " + Dts.Variables("TaskName").Value.ToString())
End Using
End Sub