I started creating my website on my own PC using the Django-cms install script then I tried to add a lot of applications such as Django-Helpdesk and others and everything was smooth until I tried to add pieces of djangoSHOP demo project and dependencies to email_auth.

Then I started to have report that the migration history was inconsistent and migrations applied out of order.

Before adding djangoShop to the installed apps, I just add the following commands to setup the DB:

manage.py migrate --run-syncdb --noinput
manage.py migrate --noinput

and everything was ok.

Now, as I'm just starting, I don't have changes to the schema to apply but most of the django apps I try to install have migrations folders with several migrations.

I don't want to update an existing schema, I want to create a new one.

I'm working from a blank database so do I really need to apply all those migrations ? To me it seems that the default behaviour of running migrations is not compatible with starting from a blank db, I don't understand what to do just initialise the database to just have the required tables created.

Did anyone got the same kind of problems? How did you fixed it?


Django 1.11.19

Error message:

Django InconsistentMigrationHistory: Migration Helpdesk.000xxxxx.py is applied before its dependency email_auth.0001_initial.py on database 'default'


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