NSPredicateEditor超类NSRuleEditor公开了一个selectedRowIndexes: IndexSet属性(和相应的selectRowIndexes(IndexSet, byExtendingSelection: Bool)设置器)。在这个属性上添加一个观察者表明,只要单击谓词编辑器中的一行,它就确实发生了变化。但是,没有视觉指示表明该行被选中或取消选中。



3 回答 3


无证和hacky,测试NSRuleEditor:观察选择变化并设置行切片的背景颜色。在 上创建一个类别NSRuleEditorViewSliceRow并实施drawRect:。例如

- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object
    change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context {
    if (context != &myRuleEditorObservingContext)
        [super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];
        // backgroundColor is a property or ivar of NSRuleEditorViewSlice and subclass NSRuleEditorViewSliceRow
        NSArray *slices = [ruleEditor valueForKey:@"slices"];
        [slices makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(setBackgroundColor:) withObject:nil];
        NSArray *selectedSlices = [slices objectsAtIndexes:[ruleEditor selectedRowIndexes]];
        [selectedSlices makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(setBackgroundColor:) withObject:[NSColor selectedControlColor]];

@interface NSRuleEditorViewSliceRow : NSObject


@interface NSRuleEditorViewSliceRow(Draw)


@implementation NSRuleEditorViewSliceRow(Draw)

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
    NSColor *aColor = [(id)self backgroundColor];
    if (aColor) {
        [aColor set];

于 2018-11-03T14:24:41.963 回答


class RowHighlightingRuleEdtitor : NSRuleEditor {
    var highlightsSelectedRow: Bool = true

    override func didChangeValue(forKey key: String) {
        super.didChangeValue(forKey: key)
        if key == "selectedRowIndexes" {
            // Whenever we change the selection, re-layout the view.
            self.needsLayout = true

    override func layout() {
        if !highlightsSelectedRow { return }
        let selected = self.selectedRowIndexes

        // Of all the fragile ways to check if the view is a row, checking the class name is the easiest.
        // Possible alternative solution: check for the existence of the add-new-row button.
        func viewIsEditorRow(_ view: NSView) -> Bool { return view.className == "NSRuleEditorViewSliceRow" }

        // Sorting must be done because the order of the rows does not necessarily correspond to the order of the subviews.
        // NSRuleEditorViewSliceRow's superclass NSRuleEditorViewSlice has a rowIndex property, but it is private
        // Possible alternative solution: use valueForKey("rowIndex") to get the index
        func rowOrder(lhs: NSView, rhs: NSView) -> Bool { return lhs.frame.origin.y < rhs.frame.origin.y }

        // subview is NSRuleEditorViewSliceHolder and holds NSBannerView and NSRuleEditorViewSliceRow instances
        for (index, rowView) in subviews.flatMap({ $0.subviews }).filter(viewIsEditorRow).sorted(by: rowOrder).enumerated() {
            if selected.contains(index) {
                // we use *secondary*SelectedControlColor because the rule editor comonent is not actually focusable
                rowView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.secondarySelectedControlColor.cgColor
            } else {
                rowView.layer?.backgroundColor = nil
于 2018-11-03T18:38:16.893 回答

在 NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate 类中,您将找到一个名为templateViews如 Apple 文档中所述的属性,您可以覆盖它以返回其他视图。返回一个附加视图并将其用作选择的指示器。

/* 返回放置在行中的视图列表。NSPopUpButtons 的特殊处理在于将多个模板的项合并在一起;其他视图按原样添加。开发人员可以覆盖它以返回或代替默认视图的视图。*/

几年前我自定义了 NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate 来实现星级控制,但必须查找代码以及它是如何完成的。


于 2018-11-03T13:05:50.250 回答