I have the following script I'm running in cloud-init on my cloud provider. It grabs a container from another host on my network, starts it, and then attempts to forward a port on the host to the container:

lxc init ...
lxc remote add gateway --accept-certificate --password securpwd
lxc copy gateway:build-slave build-slave
lxc start build-slave
CONTAINER_IP=$(lxc list "build-slave" -c 4 | awk '!/IPV4/{ if ( $2 != "" ) print $2}')
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ens3 -p tcp --dport 2200 -j DNAT --to ${CONTAINER_IP}

The only problem is that there is an arbitrary delay between when lxc start returns and when the IPV4 info is available. My current solution is to add sleep 5s after the lxc start command, but I'm worried that if my server is under load, it might actually be longer than 5 seconds before the container is initialized.

Is there a better solution that doesn't rely on an arbitrary wait period?


1 回答 1


As Lawrence pointed out in the comments, LXD provides a "proxy" device that can be set on the container. In this way, I don't have to know the container's IP address in order to setup the correct IPTABLES entry. LXD will instead setup my proxy rule for me when the container I specify starts.

I configured this like so:

DROPLET_PUB_IP=$(ip -f inet addr show ens3 | sed -En -e 's/.*inet ([0-9.]+).*/\1/p')
lxc config device add build-slave ssh-slave proxy listen=tcp:${DROPLET_PUB_IP}:2200 connect=tcp:localhost:22
于 2018-11-01T15:09:07.207 回答