I am trying to convert a directory of photos from ORF to jpg using python. The image library I am using is
An error is occuring when I try to read an image from the path. The error is below
with rawpy.imread(fullPath) as raw:
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/rawpy/__init__.py", line 20, in imread
File "rawpy/_rawpy.pyx", line 266, in rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.open_file
File "rawpy/_rawpy.pyx", line 668, in rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.handle_error
rawpy._rawpy.LibRawFatalError: Input/output error
path = '/Users/Account/Desktop/ORFImages'
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(path):
for l in filenames:
fullPath = str(join(dirpath,l))
with rawpy.imread(fullPath) as raw: #ERROR OCCURS HERE
rgb = raw.postprocess()
imageio.imwrite('test.jpg', rgb)
There is most definitely an ORF image at the fullpath variable.
What am I doing wrong?