函数 foo 中的非详尽模式
reproduce [] .. --Empty list
reproduce (x:[]) .. --A single value in the list
reproduce (x:y:[]) .. --A list with only two elements x and y
reproduce (x:y:xs) .. --A list with the first two elements x and y and the rest of the list xs
这是考虑到 foo 函数的泛化所提出的问题的解决方案。
--We import the functions to use
import Data.List (replicate, group, groupBy, all)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
--Grouping by digits
gbDigit :: String -> [String]
gbDigit = groupBy (\x y -> (isDigit x) && (isDigit y)) --ETA reduce form
--Grouping by nor digits
gbNoDigit :: String -> [String]
gbNoDigit s = fmap concat $ groupBy (\x y -> not (all isDigit x) && not (all isDigit y)) (gbDigit s)
--Prepare applying grouping
--by digit first and not by digit afterwards, therefore:
prepare = gbNoDigit
foo :: String -> String
foo x = concat $ reproduce (prepare x)
reproduce :: [String] -> [String]
reproduce [] = [] --Empty list, nothing to do
reproduce (x:[]) = [] --A numerical value and nothing to replicate, nothing to do
reproduce (x:y:[]) = (replicate (read x::Int)) y --A numeric value and a string to replicate, so we replicate
reproduce (x:y:xs) = (replicate (read x::Int)) y <> reproduce xs --A numeric value, a string to replicate, and a tail to continue
- 给定一个条目“003aA3b4vX10z”
- 按数字分组:
- 按 NoDigits 分组:
- 复制和连接:
Prelude> foo "00004a5b"
Prelude> "aaaabbbbb"
Prelude> foo "4a"
Prelude> "aaaa"
Prelude> foo "4a10B"
Prelude> "aaaaBBBBBBBBBB"
Prelude> foo "3w1.1w6o1l4y1.1com"
Prelude> "www.woooooolyyyy.com"