似乎有一个及时的功能 v1.9.1 ( http://hackage.haskell.org/package/time-1.9.2/docs/Data-Time-Clock.html#v:nominalDiffTimeToSeconds ) 但我的堆栈配置与此版本不兼容。

我试过stack solver添加- time-1.9.2为堆栈extra-dep,但它输出:

 stack solver
Using configuration file: stack.yaml
Using cabal packages:
- ./

Using resolver: lts-12.12
Using compiler: ghc-8.4.3
Asking cabal to calculate a build plan...
Trying with packages from lts-12.12 and 4 external packages as hard constraints...
cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:
next goal: time (dependency of app-
rejecting: time- (constraint from main config
/tmp/cabal-solver30194/cabal.config requires ==1.9.2)
trying: time-1.9.2
next goal: conduit (dependency of yaml-0.8.32)
rejecting: conduit-1.3.1 (constraint from main config
/tmp/cabal-solver30194/cabal.config requires ==
trying: conduit-
next goal: unix (dependency of conduit-
rejecting: unix- (conflict: time==1.9.2, unix =>
rejecting: unix- (conflict: time==1.9.2, unix => time>=1.2 && <1.9)
rejecting: unix-, unix-, unix-, unix-,
unix-, unix-, unix-, unix-, unix-,
unix-, unix-, unix-, unix-, unix-,
unix-, unix-, unix-, unix-, unix-, unix-2.0
(constraint from main config /tmp/cabal-solver30194/cabal.config requires
Dependency tree exhaustively searched.
Could not parse cabal-install errors:

>>>> Cabal errors begin
<<<< Cabal errors end

CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at src/Stack/Solver.hs:130:25 in stack-1.7.1-JqFYW3fz7If7um4NzPRwPj:Stack.Solver

我看到它被定义(在 v1.8.0.2 http://hackage.haskell.org/package/time-为:

-- | This is a length of time, as measured by UTC.
-- Conversion functions will treat it as seconds.
-- It has a precision of 10^-12 s.
-- It ignores leap-seconds, so it's not necessarily a fixed amount of clock time.
-- For instance, 23:00 UTC + 2 hours of NominalDiffTime = 01:00 UTC (+ 1 day),
-- regardless of whether a leap-second intervened.
newtype NominalDiffTime = MkNominalDiffTime Pico deriving (Eq,Ord
#if LANGUAGE_DeriveDataTypeable
#if LANGUAGE_Rank2Types
#if HAS_DataPico
    ,Data, Typeable



1 回答 1



module Main where

import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Time.Clock

seeIntegersAreSeconds :: Integer -> String
seeIntegersAreSeconds = show

main = do
  t1 <- getCurrentTime
  threadDelay 2000000
  t2 <- getCurrentTime
  let myNominalDiffTime = diffUTCTime t2 t1
  let (myNominalDiffTimeInSeconds, _) = properFraction myNominalDiffTime
  putStrLn $ "diff: " ++ seeIntegersAreSeconds myNominalDiffTimeInSeconds

NominalDiffTime是像“转换函数将其视为秒”之类的文档。并且是类型类RealFrac,它为您提供“转换”函数properFraction, ceiling, floor, round, truncate,您可以使用它,因为您喜欢它被四舍五入。

于 2018-10-27T10:20:43.127 回答