- 每个 StudentGroup 都包含在一个 HTML 表中
- 每个 StudentRecord 是表格的一行
StudentRecordGroup 的迭代
每个 StudentRecordGroup 包含一个序列:
- 处理所有记录组的外部循环。
- 处理的内循环 一个完整的组。
Pastebin.com 上的工作代码
SID Date FName LName activity time score
2 John Ppap 12 56 56
2 John Ppap 23 23 23
SID Date FName LName activity time score
3 Mito Mmito 34 12 12
3 Mito Mmito 45 45 45
SID Date FName LName activity time score
4 Uba Uuba 56 78 100
<?php // 53020396/how-to-display-grouped-data-in-separate-tables-with-a-php-loop
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The input stream consists of an Ordered Iteration of:
* A collection of Individual Records for each Student (StudentRecordGoup)
* Each StudentRecordGoup consists of a Sequence of:
* Start of Group
* Iteration of Student records belonging to the group
* End of Group
* Notice: There is no 'IF' statement anywhere in the control logic for a group!
* Please note: There is exactly one place in the code to assign any appropriate action!
* i.e. The structure of the code exactly matched the structure of the data. :)
* This makes it easier to debug, maintain and amend?
* To do this we need 'state' information. Specifically that a record is part
* of the current 'student record group' group or not. How do we do this?
* We always need a record to test! Including at the start! We never read a record
* and then decide what to do with it. We always know where we are in the data
* structure and either the current record belongs to the group or not.
* We need to use a technique called 'Read Ahead'. Literally, There is always
* a record to process. You don't have to test it to know where you are.
* Once you process it then you immediately read the next record from the input.
* i.e. You end up reading a new record NOT JUST AT THE WND OF THE LOOP!
* You cannot use 'foreach' loops.
* We have to include Initialisation to setup code and any termination code.
* I will put all the 'action place holders' in functions. That way it avoids
* obscuring the high-level logic.
// Get the ordered student detail records
$pdo = getPdoConnection();
$pdoResultSet = prepareAndExecuteQuery($pdo);
// Process all the students Record Groups - 'read ahead' of the row
$curStudentRecord = $pdoResultSet->fetch(); // is assoc array
while ($curStudentRecord !== false) { // process the student record groups
// process one complete student group...
$curStudentRecordGroupId = $curStudentRecord['sid'];
while ( $curStudentRecord !== false // check record belongs to the current group
&& $curStudentRecord['sid'] === $curStudentRecordGroupId) {
$curStudentRecord = $pdoResultSet->fetch(); // read the next record
endStudendRecordGroup($curStudentRecordGroupId); // ignore the current record
// that is the next group!
// all groups have been processed
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Student record group processing
function startStudendRecordGroup($curStudentRecordGroupId)
echo "<!-- new group: sid = $curStudentRecordGroupId -->";
echo "<table><tr><th>SID</th><th>Date</th><th>FName</th><th>LName</th>
function processStudentRecord($curStudentRecord)
echo "<!-- group record: sid = {$curStudentRecord['sid']} -->";
echo "<tr>
<td>" . $curStudentRecord['sid'] . "</td>
<td>" . $curStudentRecord['fname'] . "</td>
<td>" . $curStudentRecord['lname'] . "</td>
<td>" . $curStudentRecord['col3'] . "</td>
<td>" . $curStudentRecord['col4'] . "</td>
<td>" . $curStudentRecord['col5'] . "</td>
function endStudendRecordGroup($curStudentRecordGroupId)
echo "<!-- end group: sid = $curStudentRecordGroupId -->";
echo "</table>";
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Database access
// Execute query and return 'resultset'
function prepareAndExecuteQuery(\PDO $pdo)
$sql = 'SELECT id, sid, fname, lname, col3, col4, col5
FROM activity
ORDER BY sid, id';
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$allOk = $stmt->execute();
return $stmt;
// DB Connection
function getPdoConnection()
$opt = array(
$pdo = new \PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=notmydb;', 'notme', 'notme', $opt);
return $pdo;