我有一个 javascript 文件(我们称之为 newconfig.js),它通过 config.js 文件中的 require() 操作包含一个模块(对象类型):
考虑 core.js 是:
module.exports = {
configuration: {
showLanguageSelector: false
tableStructure: {
columns: [
tooltip: 'Indicates if this load has alerts or notes',
name: 'Alerts <em>& Notes</em>'
tooltip: 'Trailer number and trailer type',
name: 'Trailer <em>Type</em>'
tooltip: 'Door number',
name: 'Door'
tooltip: 'Trailer opened date/time',
name: 'Open<span>ed</span>'
tooltip: 'Trailer closed date/time',
name: 'Closed'
我的 newconfig.js 文件包含:
const core = require('./core/config');
let config = Object.assign({}, core);
config.Configuration = {
showLanguageSelector: true
config.tableStructure.columns = [
tooltip: 'Indicates if this load has alerts or notes',
name: 'Alerts <em>& Notes</em>',
}, {
tooltip: 'Trailer number and trailer type',
name: 'Trailer <em>Type</em>',
module.exports = config;
当外部文件尝试在本地包含 ./core/config 文件以使用时,它具有 newconfig.js 的更改
const core = require('./core/config');
Configuration: {
showLanguageSelector: false // interesting how this wasn't mutated!!!!!
tableStructure {
columns: [
tooltip: 'Indicates if this load has alerts or notes',
name: 'Alerts <em>& Notes</em>',
}, {
tooltip: 'Trailer number and trailer type',
name: 'Trailer <em>Type</em>',
在另一个 js 文件中要求我的 newconfig.js 会返回所需的行为:
Configuration: {
showLanguageSelector: true
tableStructure {
columns: [
tooltip: 'Indicates if this load has alerts or notes',
name: 'Alerts <em>& Notes</em>',
}, {
tooltip: 'Trailer number and trailer type',
name: 'Trailer <em>Type</em>',