我有一个 url,我希望 jdownloader 使用预定义的名称保存文件,忽略名称服务器提供的名称


我有一个类似的网址,我希望在不使用 UI的情况下http://server.com/server-file.mp4将此文件保存为custom-filename.mp4

是否可以将特殊的 URL 参数传递给下载 URL,以便 jDownloader 可以识别并使用此特定名称保存文件?

例如对于上述情况,我可以paste在 jdownloader 中使用以下网址吗

http://server.com/server-file.mp4?jdSaveAs=custom-filename.mp4以便 jdownloader 自动将此文件另存为custom-filename.mp4


1 回答 1


您可以将自定义文件名附加到 URL 并使用打包程序规则对其进行解析。

以这种格式重写 URL:



在 Packagizer 中导入此规则(右键单击“Raw”按钮将文件保存到磁盘)



-> this placeholder will be replaced by previous value where the placeholder is being used in

-> this placeholder reads out an internal property of the downloadlink itself. properties are plugin specific and there are plans that plugins can return a list of supported properties that can be used here

-> this placeholder will be replaced by number of index of the downloadlink within its package. first link will be 1, second link will be 2 and so on. It's just the index within the package!
-> will be replaced in real time

-> some plugins support recursive folder support. if supported by plugin, then the downloads will have same directory structure like shown in browser

-> this placeholder will be replaced by KEY environment variable of your system
-> will be replaced in real time

<jd:orgfilename> <jd:orgfilename:number>
-> this placeholder will be replaced by original filename or matching group(number) of filename pattern

-> this placeholder will be replaced by the current package name
-> will be replaced in real time

<jd:orgfiletype> <jd:orgfiletype:Pattern>
-> this placeholder will be replaced by the file extension of the file or the match of the given pattern

-> this placeholder will be replaced by original filename without file extension

-> this placeholder will be replaced by the matching group(number) of downloadurl pattern or the host itself if number is -1

-> this placeholder will be replaced by the match of sourceurl pattern. with number you can specify which sourceurl to process

-> this placeholder will be replaced by time formatted with simpleDateFormatString, see docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html
-> will be replaced in real time

-> this placeholder will be replaced by the original package name  ```


于 2020-07-13T01:30:28.153 回答