I believe the title is pretty self explanatory : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conditional_proof

I would like to have a tactic where I assume a proposition and proceed to find another one, if succeeded, then I have found that the first proposition implies the second one and this is put as an hypothesis in the context.

So for example Ltac cp P Q creates a subgoal Qand puts Pin the context. If I can indeed reach the subgoal Q, then the subgoal is discharged and P->Q is added to the context. How can I achieve this ?

Edit: It is clear that while proving assert (P->Q). intro. does the job, but I cannot combine them into a Ltac tactic, it gives an error of No focused proof (No proof-editing in progress).


2 回答 2



Ltac cp P Q := assert (P -> Q); [ intro | ].
  (* Use intro in the first subgoal of assert *) 
于 2018-10-22T00:13:25.043 回答

已经有这样的策略,它被enough称为“足以表明 P”。它假设P并且您现在可以使用P. 完成后,您必须证明P.

如果很容易完成,您可以使用by(与 for 相同assert)。我经常做enough (bla bla) by (subst; auto).或类似的事情,这让我有了目标bla bla


Ltac postpone_antecedent H :=
  match type of H with  ?A -> _ =>
    let Q := fresh in enough A as Q ; [specialize (H Q) | ]
于 2018-10-24T07:42:34.510 回答