I am currently in the process of learning smart pointers and try to avoid using raw pointers.

I have a vector with shared ptrs

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<View>> mChildren;

and an Add and Remove method

void View::AddChild(std::shared_ptr<View> view) {

void View::RemoveChild(std::shared_ptr<View> view) {
    auto removal = std::remove(mChildren.begin(), mChildren.end(), view);
    mChildren.erase(removal, mChildren.end());

Now in another part of my code I have a map

std::map<std::weak_ptr<ModelGem>,std::unique_ptr<ViewGem>,std::owner_less<std::weak_ptr<ModelGem>>> mViews;

Now when I try to remove elements from the map like this:

for (auto iterator = mViews.begin(); iterator != mViews.end();) 
    if (iterator->first.expired()) 
        iterator = mViews.erase(iterator);

Now the problem lies here : iterator->second.get() It tells me it cannot convert the rvalue of type pointer to shared ptr. However if I use raw pointers instead of shared pointers this is not an issue at at all.

So, I am wondering if in this case it would be better to just use raw pointers or can I work around this with shared pointers?


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该地图包含一个unique_ptr<ViewGem>. 这意味着它拥有完全的所有权,并且不与任何其他数据结构共享。因此,不可能在vector<shared_ptr...>不导致未定义行为的情况下拥有相同的对象。你必须决定哪个 ds 拥有自己的船,

  1. 如果地图拥有完整的所有权,使用unique_ptrin map 和 raw ptr in vector
  2. 如果vector有所有权,unique_ptr在vector中使用,在map中使用raw ptr。
  3. 如果所有权与 ds 都拥有,并且该对象仅在从 map 和 vector 中删除时才应销毁,则shared_ptr在两者中都使用 a。
于 2018-10-21T15:28:39.140 回答