
我正在尝试为 24 维特征向量和 32 维特征向量实现 GMM 聚类,其中初始参数的分配由 Kmeans algorightm 完成(K 均值聚类仅提供聚类中心 - MU)。我正在关注这个链接,它仅针对 2D 特征向量和预定义的 Mu 和 sigma 实现。

如果有人有 GMM 聚类的代码,请发布。

sklearn 中也有 GMM 的预定义库,但它并没有给我每次迭代的可能性。sklearn GMM


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def kmeans(dataSet, k, c):
    # 1. Randomly choose clusters
    rng = np.random.RandomState(c)
    p = rng.permutation(dataSet.shape[0])[:k]
    centers = dataSet[p]

    while True:
        labels = pairwise_distances_argmin(dataSet, centers)
        new_centers = np.array([dataSet[labels == i].mean(0) for i in range(k)]
        if np.all(centers == new_centers):
        centers = new_centers
    cluster_data = [dataSet[labels == i] for i in range(k)]
    l = []
    covs = []
    for i in range(k):
        l.append(len(cluster_data[i]) * 1.0 / len(dataSet))
    return centers, l, covs, cluster_data

return new_mu, new_covs, cluster_data

class gaussian_Mix_Model:

    def __init__(self, k = 8, eps = 0.0000001):
        self.k = k ## number of clusters
        self.eps = eps ## threshold to stop `epsilon`

    def calculate_Exp_Maxim(self, X, max_iters = 1000):

        # n = number of data-points, d = dimension of data points        
        n, d = X.shape

        mu, Cov = [], []
        for i in range(1,k):
            new_mu, new_covs, cluster_data = kmeans(dataSet, k, c)
            # Initialize new         
            mu[k] = new_mu
            Cov[k]= new_cov

            # initialize the weights
            w = [1./self.k] * self.k

            R = np.zeros((n, self.k))

            ### LLhoods
            LLhoods = []

            P = lambda mu, s: np.linalg.det(s) ** -.5 ** (2 * np.pi) ** (-X.shape[1]/2.) \
                * np.exp(-.5 * np.einsum('ij, ij -> i',\
                        X - mu, np.dot(np.linalg.inv(s) , (X - mu).T).T ) ) 

            # Iterate till max_iters iterations        
            while len(LLhoods) < max_iters:

            # Expectation Calcultion 

            ## membership for each of K Clusters
            for k in range(self.k):
                R[:, k] = w[k] * P(mu[k], Cov[k])

            # Finding the log likelihood
            LLhood = np.sum(np.log(np.sum(R, axis = 1)))

            # Now store the log likelihood to the list. 

            # Number of data points to each clusters
            R = (R.T / np.sum(R, axis = 1)).T                   
            N_ks = np.sum(R, axis = 0)

            # Maximization and calculating the new parameters. 
            for k in range(self.k):

                # Calculate the new means
                mu[k] = 1. / N_ks[k] * np.sum(R[:, k] * X.T, axis = 1).T
                x_mu = np.matrix(X - mu[k])

                # Calculate new cov
                Cov[k] = np.array(1 / N_ks[k] * np.dot(np.multiply(x_mu.T,  R[:, k]), x_mu))

                # Calculate new PiK
                w[k] = 1. / n * N_ks[k]
            # check for convergence
            if (np.abs(LLhood - LLhoods[-2]) < self.eps) and (iteration < max_iters): break

    from collections import namedtuple
    self.params = namedtuple('params', ['mu', 'Cov', 'w', 'LLhoods', 'num_iters'])
    self.params.mu = mu
    self.params.Cov = Cov
    self.params.w = w
    self.params.LLhoods = LLhoods
    self.params.num_iters = len(LLhoods)       

    return self.params

# Call the GMM to find the model 
gmm = gaussian_Mix_Model(3, 0.000001)
params = gmm.fit_EM(X, max_iters= 150)

# Plotting of Log-Likelihood VS Iterations. 
于 2018-10-27T06:35:12.430 回答