



4 回答 4


DFA 的 PDA 版本看起来是一样的,只是每个状态转换也不会将任何内容压入堆栈并且不会从堆栈中弹出任何内容。

于 2011-05-19T04:14:41.217 回答

由于 PDA 是 DFA 的扩展,只有一个附加功能:堆栈。因为 PDA 的转换由三元组(当前状态、输入、堆栈顶部的元素)确定,而 DFA 的转换由元组(当前状态、输入)确定。唯一的区别是堆栈顶部的元素。e您可以通过将元组转换为三元组(空字符串)作为堆栈顶部的元素插入来转换 DFA 的所有转换


于 2011-07-27T12:42:00.557 回答

I'm answering this old question just in case someone else looks at it.

The conversions of DFA to PDA can be automated easily by just adding a stack. But there could be possible changes to the semantics of the DFA and after you change it that way manually you could end up in a PDA with less number of states. I faced this problem recently. Its somewhat like this,

In a system (not a compiler or anything like that) the code written earlier was written using an DFA due to some reasons. The transitions occur as the user progress through the code using various functions. After some time a new set of transitions functions arrived which can be used in any order. and also the state after any of these new functions can change back to previous state by one of these functions. The only way to solve this using FST was to add a large number of new states to support this behavior which i a huge amount of work. But instead I just changed from DFA to a PDA. The stack keeps track of the transitions very nicely and the problem is solved with far less number of states. Actually i only had to add N number of states where N is the number of new functions that arrived.

I do not know if someone can automate this kind of a process easily. But there you go, just in case someone is curious about it.

于 2013-01-08T15:16:17.863 回答



  1. 他们可以使用堆栈的顶部来决定采用哪个转换。
  2. 他们可以操作堆栈作为执行转换的一部分。



于 2011-03-13T00:10:58.437 回答