php 网站列出了以下示例


/* Create new imagick object */
$im = new Imagick();

/* create red, green and blue images */
$im->newImage(100, 50, "red");
$im->newImage(100, 50, "green");
$im->newImage(100, 50, "blue");

/* Append the images into one */
$combined = $im->appendImages(true);

/* Output the image */
header("Content-Type: image/png");
echo $combined;

如何改用从 URL 生成的图像,例如

$image = new Imagick("sampleImage.jpg");



2 回答 2


用于Imagick::addImage将各种 Imagicks “组合”为一个并在appendImages之后使用,例如(从此处添加):

$filelist = array("fileitem1.png","fileitem2.png","fileitem3.png");

$all = new Imagick();

foreach($filelist as $file){
    $im = new Imagick($file);       
/* Append the images into one */
$combined = $all->appendImages(true);

/* Output the image */
header("Content-Type: image/png");
echo $combined;
于 2011-03-17T14:23:42.060 回答

您可以使用 fopen() 返回的句柄来使用来自 url 的图像。

例子 :

/* Read images from URL */
$handle1 = fopen('http://yoursite.com/your-image1.jpg', 'rb');
$handle2 = fopen('http://yoursite.com/your-image2.jpg', 'rb');

/* Create new imagick object */
$img = new Imagick();

/* Add to Imagick object */

/* Append the images into one */
$combined = $img->appendImages(true);

/* path to save you image */
$path = "/images/combined-image.jpg";

/* Output the image */
$combined->writeimage( $path );

/* destroy imagick objects */

于 2014-06-10T13:57:47.650 回答