我在一个目录中有 2 个 CSV 文件(district1.csv、district2.csv),每个文件都包含一个 column schoolCode
。当我使用 Apache commons CSV 库读取两个 CSV 文件时,我正在读取schoolCode
public void getDistinctRecordCount() throws IOException {
Set<String> uniqueSchools = new HashSet<>();
int numOfSchools;
String SchoolCode;
//Filter to only read csv files.
File[] files = Directory.listFiles(new FileExtensionFilter());
for (File f : files) {
CSVParser csvParser;
CSVFormat csvFormat = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withFirstRecordAsHeader().withIgnoreHeaderCase().withTrim();
reader = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(Directory + "\\" + f.getName() ), StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
csvParser = CSVParser.parse(reader, csvFormat);
for (CSVRecord column : csvParser) {
SchoolCode = column.get("School Code");
Logger.info("The list of Schools for " + f.getName() + " are: " + uniqueSchools);
numOfSchools = uniqueSchools.size();
Logger.info("The total count of Schools for " + f.getName() + " are: " + numOfSchools);
[INFO ] [Logger] - The list of Schools for district1.csv are: [01-0003-002, 01-0003-001]
[INFO ] [Logger] - The total count of Schools for district1.csv are: 2
[INFO ] [Logger] - The list of Schools for district2.csv are: [01-0003-002, 01-0003-001, 01-0018-004, 01-0018-005, 01-0018-002, 01-0018-003, 01-0018-008, 01-0018-006]
[INFO ] [Logger] - The total count of Schools for district2.csv are: 8
问题:从 District1.csv 结果中读取的两个值被附加到 District2.csv 结果中,使我对 District2.csv 的计数减少了 2(实际正确的值应该是 6)。它是如何附加的?