WMI 将是我的首选。
WMI 将是我的首选。
要查找内容/生成 WMI 代码和查询,请获取WMI Code Creator。它将生成测试存根(C#、VB.NET、VBScript)并让您测试查询以确保它们返回您想要的信息。
Win32_Terminal* 和 Win32_TS* 类下的终端服务内容(其中有一些,不确定哪一个可以满足您的需求。)。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Management;
namespace MyWMI
public class WmiHelper
public static ManagementObjectCollection GetManagementObjectCollection(string ServerName, string WMIQuery)
//determine where the WMI root is that we will connect to.
string strNameSpace = "\\\\";
ConnectionOptions connectionOptions = new ConnectionOptions();
TimeSpan tsTimeout = new TimeSpan(0,0,5);
connectionOptions.Timeout = tsTimeout;
//if its not a local machine connection
if (ServerName.Trim().ToUpper() != Globals.HostName)
strNameSpace += ServerName;
connectionOptions.Username = Globals.WMIUserDomain + "\\" + Globals.WMIUserName;
connectionOptions.Password = Globals.WMIUserPass;
{ //we are connecting to the local machine
strNameSpace += ".";
strNameSpace += "\\root\\cimv2";
//create the scope and search
ManagementScope managementScope = new ManagementScope(strNameSpace, connectionOptions);
ObjectQuery objectQuery = new ObjectQuery(WMIQuery);
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(managementScope, objectQuery);
ManagementObjectCollection returnCollection;
returnCollection = searcher.Get();
catch (ManagementException ex)
throw new SystemException("There was an error executing WMI Query. Source: " + ex.Source.ToString() + " Message: " + ex.Message);
//return the collection
return returnCollection;
} //eng GetManagementObjectCollection
public static bool InvokeWMIMethod(string ServerName, string WMIQueryToIsolateTheObject, string MethodName, object[] MethodParams)
//determine where the WMI root is that we will connect to.
string strNameSpace = "\\\\";
ConnectionOptions connectionOptions = new ConnectionOptions();
TimeSpan tsTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5);
connectionOptions.Timeout = tsTimeout;
if (ServerName.Trim().ToUpper() != Globals.HostName)
strNameSpace += ServerName;
connectionOptions.Username = Globals.WMIUserDomain + "\\" + Globals.WMIUserName;
connectionOptions.Password = Globals.WMIUserPass;
{ //we are connecting to the local machine
strNameSpace += ".";
strNameSpace += "\\root\\cimv2";
ManagementScope managementScope = new ManagementScope(strNameSpace, connectionOptions);
ObjectQuery objectQuery = new ObjectQuery(WMIQueryToIsolateTheObject);
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(managementScope, objectQuery);
ManagementObjectCollection returnCollection = searcher.Get();
if (returnCollection.Count != 1)
return false;
foreach (ManagementObject managementobject in returnCollection)
managementobject.InvokeMethod(MethodName, MethodParams);
return false;
} //end foreach
return true;
} //end public static bool InvokeWMIMethod(string ServerName, string WMIQueryToGetTheObject, string MethodName, object[] MethodParams)
@First评论: Ick ...显然这比最初想象的要复杂。查看这篇文章 ( http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/logonsessions.aspx ),在标题为“内置 WMI 功能怎么样? ”的部分。如果使用 XP,则需要进行一些特殊处理,因为它具有不同的 WMI 提供程序类(将 WMI 代码创建者更改为指向远程计算机 - 例如 Win2K3 服务器),并且在任何一种情况下,您都需要“加入”来自所有的会话类。
如果您使用的是 .NET 语言,则可以尝试Cassia。在 C# 中,代码为:
using System;
using Cassia;
namespace CassiaSample
public static class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
ITerminalServicesManager manager = new TerminalServicesManager();
using (ITerminalServer server = manager.GetRemoteServer("server-name"))
foreach (ITerminalServicesSession session in server.GetSessions())
if ((session.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Disconnected)
(session.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Active)
&& (session.IdleTime > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)))
Console.WriteLine("Session {0} (User {1})", session.SessionId, session.UserName);
编辑:更新了 Cassia 2.0 的示例代码。