对于一个项目,我必须同时使用 Kirby 和 Popcorn.js,我已经分别使用了这两者并且没有问题,但现在我必须生成包含不同视频和字幕集的子页面。问题是我将脚本放在标题和模板中,这些脚本使用了我的爆米花视频和脚注的片段。
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
at init._setup (popcorn.footnote.js:64)
at init.<anonymous> (popcorn.js:2196)
at Function.Popcorn.addTrackEvent (popcorn.js:1446)
at init.pluginFn (popcorn.js:2000)
at init.Popcorn.p.(anonymous function).plugin.(anonymous function) [as footnote] (http://localhost:8888/myproject/assets/js/popcorn.js:2155:16)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (project-1:98)
<div class="text wrap">
<?php foreach($page->conference()->toStructure() as $conference): ?>
<?php if(!$conference->vidurl()->empty()): ?>
<iframe id="speaker" height="auto"
src="<?= $conference->vidurl()->url() ?>">
<?php else: ?>
<?php foreach($conference->vidfile()->toStructure() as $video): ?>
<video id="speaker" height="auto" controls autoplay>
<source src="<?= $page->url() ?>/<?= $video->filename() ?>" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<div id="footnote"></div>
只需复制/粘贴 head 中的示例:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var p = Popcorn('#speaker')
start: 0, // seconds
end: 15, // seconds
text: 'This video made exclusively for drumbeat.org',
target: 'footnotediv'
start: 1, // seconds
end: 15, // seconds
text: 'this is a subtitle'
}, false);
我在本地主机中使用 Mamp,原因是这样的吗?