I need to now how to get a value of a input type="hidden" in a ashx page.

Anyone can help me???


3 回答 3


Add runat="server" in the input and assign an id. You can then use the id in your code behind.

There is another method. Using the asp:HiddenField. A video can be found here.

于 2011-03-11T19:00:51.590 回答

Why are you using "ashx" instead of "aspx"? As far as I know, ASHX is for Http Handlers, not web pages.

于 2011-03-11T19:23:01.307 回答

I solved my problem using a asp:HiddenField. in my ashx page in catch the value of the hiddenfielf like this: form["ctl00$MainContent$myid"]

于 2011-03-11T23:50:27.517 回答