我正在尝试编写一个 PHP 函数来计算多边形的重心。




我也读过:http: //paulbourke.net/geometry/polyarea/ 但这仅限于非自相交的多边形。



8 回答 8



X = SUM[(Xi + Xi+1) * (Xi * Yi+1 - Xi+1 * Yi)] / 6 / A
Y = SUM[(Yi + Yi+1) * (Xi * Yi+1 - Xi+1 * Yi)] / 6 / A

摘自维基百科:由 n 个顶点 (x0,y0), (x1,y1), ..., (xn−1,yn−1) 定义的非自相交闭合多边形的质心是点 (Cx, Cy),
其中 A 是多边形的有符号区域,

使用 VBasic 的示例:

' Find the polygon's centroid.
Public Sub FindCentroid(ByRef X As Single, ByRef Y As _
Dim pt As Integer
Dim second_factor As Single
Dim polygon_area As Single

    ' Add the first point at the end of the array.
    ReDim Preserve m_Points(1 To m_NumPoints + 1)
    m_Points(m_NumPoints + 1) = m_Points(1)

    ' Find the centroid.
    X = 0
    Y = 0
    For pt = 1 To m_NumPoints
        second_factor = _
            m_Points(pt).X * m_Points(pt + 1).Y - _
            m_Points(pt + 1).X * m_Points(pt).Y
        X = X + (m_Points(pt).X + m_Points(pt + 1).X) * _
        Y = Y + (m_Points(pt).Y + m_Points(pt + 1).Y) * _
    Next pt

    ' Divide by 6 times the polygon's area.
    polygon_area = PolygonArea
    X = X / 6 / polygon_area
    Y = Y / 6 / polygon_area

    ' If the values are negative, the polygon is
    ' oriented counterclockwise. Reverse the signs.
    If X < 0 Then
        X = -X
        Y = -Y
    End If
End Sub




于 2011-03-11T10:27:59.510 回答

在冷 c++ 中,并假设您有一个具有 x 和 y 属性的 Vec2 结构:

const Vec2 findCentroid(Vec2* pts, size_t nPts){
    Vec2 off = pts[0];
    float twicearea = 0;
    float x = 0;
    float y = 0;
    Vec2 p1, p2;
    float f;
    for (int i = 0, j = nPts - 1; i < nPts; j = i++) {
        p1 = pts[i];
        p2 = pts[j];
        f = (p1.x - off.x) * (p2.y - off.y) - (p2.x - off.x) * (p1.y - off.y);
        twicearea += f;
        x += (p1.x + p2.x - 2 * off.x) * f;
        y += (p1.y + p2.y - 2 * off.y) * f;

    f = twicearea * 3;

    return Vec2(x / f + off.x, y / f + off.y);

在 javascript 中:

function findCentroid(pts, nPts) {
    var off = pts[0];
    var twicearea = 0;
    var x = 0;
    var y = 0;
    var p1,p2;
    var f;
    for (var i = 0, j = nPts - 1; i < nPts; j = i++) {
        p1 = pts[i];
        p2 = pts[j];
        f = (p1.lat - off.lat) * (p2.lng - off.lng) - (p2.lat - off.lat) * (p1.lng - off.lng);
        twicearea += f;
        x += (p1.lat + p2.lat - 2 * off.lat) * f;
        y += (p1.lng + p2.lng - 2 * off.lng) * f;
    f = twicearea * 3;
    return {
    X: x / f + off.lat,
    Y: y / f + off.lng

或在良好的旧 c 中,并假设您有一个具有 x 和 y 属性的 Point 结构:

const Point centroidForPoly(const int numVerts, const Point* verts)
    float sum = 0.0f;
    Point vsum = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i<numVerts; i++){
        Point v1 = verts[i];
        Point v2 = verts[(i + 1) % numVerts];
        float cross = v1.x*v2.y - v1.y*v2.x;
        sum += cross;
        vsum = Point(((v1.x + v2.x) * cross) + vsum.x, ((v1.y + v2.y) * cross) + vsum.y);

    float z = 1.0f / (3.0f * sum);
    return Point(vsum.x * z, vsum.y * z);
于 2015-11-22T07:32:42.973 回答

Swift 4,基于上面给出的 c 答案

/// Given an array of points, find the "center of gravity" of the points
/// - Parameters:
///     - points: Array of points
/// - Returns:
///     - Point or nil if input points count < 3
static func centerOfPoints(points: [CGPoint]) -> CGPoint? {
    if points.count < 3 {
        return nil

    var sum: CGFloat = 0
    var pSum: CGPoint = .zero

    for i in 0..<points.count {
        let p1 = points[i]
        let p2 = points[(i+1) % points.count]
        let cross = p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x
        sum += cross
        pSum = CGPoint(x:((p1.x + p2.x) * cross) + pSum.x,
                       y:((p1.y + p2.y) * cross) + pSum.y)

    let z = 1 / (3 * sum)
    return CGPoint(x:pSum.x * z,
                   y:pSum.y * z)
于 2018-10-14T17:47:29.460 回答

因为我们都在用不同的语言实现这个算法时玩得很开心,所以这是我为 Python 敲定的版本:

def polygon_centre_area(vertices: Sequence[Sequence[float]]) -> Tuple[Sequence[float], float]:
    x_cent = y_cent = area = 0
    v_local = vertices + [vertices[0]]

    for i in range(len(v_local) - 1):
        factor = v_local[i][0] * v_local[i+1][1] - v_local[i+1][0] * v_local[i][1]
        area += factor
        x_cent += (v_local[i][0] + v_local[i+1][0]) * factor
        y_cent += (v_local[i][1] + v_local[i+1][1]) * factor

    area /= 2.0
    x_cent /= (6 * area)
    y_cent /= (6 * area)

    area = math.fabs(area)

    return ([x_cent, y_cent], area)
于 2017-10-25T16:24:58.390 回答

在 php 中:

// Find the polygon's centroid.
function getCenter($polygon)
    $NumPoints = count($polygon);

    if($polygon[$NumPoints-1] == $polygon[0]){
        //Add the first point at the end of the array.
        $polygon[$NumPoints] = $polygon[0];

    // Find the centroid.
    $X = 0;
    $Y = 0;
    For ($pt = 0 ;$pt<= $NumPoints-1;$pt++){
        $factor = $polygon[$pt][0] * $polygon[$pt + 1][1] - $polygon[$pt + 1][0] * $polygon[$pt][1];
        $X += ($polygon[$pt][0] + $polygon[$pt + 1][0]) * $factor;
        $Y += ($polygon[$pt][1] + $polygon[$pt + 1][1]) * $factor;

    // Divide by 6 times the polygon's area.
    $polygon_area = ComputeArea($polygon);
    $X = $X / 6 / $polygon_area;
    $Y = $Y / 6 / $polygon_area;

    return array($X, $Y);

function ComputeArea($polygon)
    $NumPoints = count($polygon);

    if($polygon[$NumPoints-1] == $polygon[0]){
        //Add the first point at the end of the array.
        $polygon[$NumPoints] = $polygon[0];

    $area = 0;

    for ($i = 0; $i < $NumPoints; $i++) {
      $i1 = ($i + 1) % $NumPoints;
      $area += ($polygon[$i][1] + $polygon[$i1][1]) * ($polygon[$i1][0] - $polygon[$i][0]);

    $area /= 2;
    return $area;



于 2016-12-14T18:12:35.523 回答

这是我在 Java 中接受的解决方案的实现,我添加了一个额外的条件检查,因为我的一些多边形是平坦的并且没有区域,而不是给我中点,它返回 (0,0)。因此,在这种情况下,我引用了一种简单地平均顶点的不同方法。最后的舍入是因为我想将我的输出对象保留为整数,即使它不精确,但我欢迎您删除该位。另外,由于我所有的点都是正整数,所以检查对我来说是有意义的,但对你来说,添加一个区域检查 == 0 也是有意义的。

private Vertex getCentroid() {

        double xsum = 0, ysum = 0, A = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < corners.size() ; i++) {

            int iPlusOne = (i==corners.size()-1)?0:i+1;

            xsum += (corners.get(i).getX() + corners.get(iPlusOne).getX()) * (corners.get(i).getX() * corners.get(iPlusOne).getY() - corners.get(iPlusOne).getX() * corners.get(i).getY());
            ysum += (corners.get(i).getY() + corners.get(iPlusOne).getY()) * (corners.get(i).getX() * corners.get(iPlusOne).getY() - corners.get(iPlusOne).getX() * corners.get(i).getY());
            A += (corners.get(i).getX() * corners.get(iPlusOne).getY() - corners.get(iPlusOne).getX() * corners.get(i).getY());
        A = A / 2;
        if(xsum==0 &&ysum==0)
            area = averageHeight/2;
            return getMidpointCenter();
        double x = xsum / (6 * A);
        double y = ysum / (6 * A);
        area = A;

        return new Vertex((int) Math.round(x), (int) Math.round(y));
于 2017-07-27T18:22:12.137 回答

这是我在 Python 中的实现,基于 Joseph 的 C++ 实现。我认为它比其他 python 答案更清楚。

def find_centroid(polygon):
    """ Computes the centroid (a.k.a. center of gravity) for a non-self-intersecting polygon.

    polygon : list of two-dimensional points (points are array-like with two elements)
        Non-self-intersecting polygon (orientation does not matter).

    center_of_gravity : list with 2 elements
        Coordinates (or vector) to the centroid of the polygon.
    offset = polygon[0]
    center_of_gravity = [0.0, 0.0]
    double_area = 0.0
    for ii in range(len(polygon)):
        p1 = polygon[ii]
        p2 = polygon[ii-1]
        f = (p1[0]-offset[0])*(p2[1]-offset[1]) - (p2[0]-offset[0])*(p1[1]-offset[1])
        double_area += f
        center_of_gravity[0] += (p1[0] + p2[0] - 2*offset[0]) * f
        center_of_gravity[1] += (p1[1] + p2[1] - 2*offset[1]) * f
    center_of_gravity[0] = center_of_gravity[0] / (3*double_area) + offset[0]
    center_of_gravity[1] = center_of_gravity[1] / (3*double_area) + offset[1]
    return center_of_gravity
    # If you want to return both the CoG and the area, comment the return above
    return center_of_gravity, abs(double_area/2)
于 2019-06-30T17:44:05.607 回答


在 C# 中:

public static Point findCentroid(List<Point> pts)
        Point off = pts[0];
        double twicearea = 0;
        double x = 0;
        double y = 0;
        Point p1, p2;
        double f;
        for (int i = 0, j = pts.Count - 1; i < pts.Count; j = i++)
            p1 = pts[i];
            p2 = pts[j];
            f = (p1.x - off.x) * (p2.y - off.y) - (p2.x - off.x) * (p1.y - off.y);
            twicearea += f;
            x += (p1.x + p2.x - 2 * off.x) * f;
            y += (p1.y + p2.y - 2 * off.y) * f;

        f = twicearea * 3;

        return new Point(x / f + off.x, y / f + off.y);
于 2021-04-10T15:31:20.623 回答