In Python 3.7, static fields can be annotated with the following syntax defined in PEP 526:

class A:
   foo: int

How can I make these annotations later on, after the class is defined? I would expect the following to work:

A.bar : float

However, it doesn't seem to have an identical effect to the first code. When we look at A's __dict___, those two snippets don't have the same effect.

After example 1 and after example 2, we get identical __dict__'s, i.e. the second example must show effect somewhere else. The dict created is:

>> pprint(A.__dict__):
mappingproxy({'__annotations__': {'foo': <class 'int'>}, # <-!
              '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'A' objects>,
              '__doc__': None,
              '__module__': '__main__',
              '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'A' objects>})

I don't think editing __annotations__ is a "good" method of achieving what I want, especially because I'm not sure if it's the only case where foo is registered.

What is the proper way to do this?


1 回答 1




A.__annotations__['bar'] = float

注释被PythonA.bar: float丢弃,因为没有专门的位置来存储注释表达式的信息;由静态类型检查器实现来决定该表达式是否有意义。

请参阅PEP 526 - Syntax for Variable Annotations类型注释的运行时影响部分,该文档定义了此语法:

此外,在模块或类级别,如果被注释的项目是一个简单的名称,那么它和注释将__annotations__作为从名称到评估的注释的有序映射存储在该模块或类的属性中(如果私有,则被损坏) .

并来自Python 参考文档的带注释的赋值语句部分:



于 2018-10-08T09:06:39.140 回答