我正在尝试修改 Coda-Slider 2.0 (http://www.ndoherty.biz/tag/coda-slider/) 以使用基于百分比的宽度,而不是硬编码的像素宽度,以允许流体调整大小。当我尝试回到面板 1 时,除了 IE7 中的一个小故障(Firefox 没有表现出这种行为)之外,我已经让它工作得非常好。
当我运行 coda-slider 2.0 附带的默认 index.html 时,在 IE7 中一切正常。然后,我将图像替换为默认文本,并且效果也很好。然后我更改了 CSS 和 JS 以使用百分比宽度 - 这很好用,除了当我尝试返回第一个面板时 - 当我这样做时,比如说,从面板 4,而不是平滑地动画回到面板 1 视图立即跳到面板 1 和面板 2 之间的中间,然后动画回到面板 1。
我正在使用的修改后的 Coda-Slider JS 文件的来源如下。请注意,我删除了所有不必要的代码以简化调试。
offset = - (panelWidth*z) + "%";
我想也许动画不喜欢将“0%”作为值输入,所以我尝试在选择面板 1 时输入“0”和“0px” - 结果相同。最终结果是正确的 - 最终 div 正确定位在 margin-left: 0,但我不知道为什么在这样做之前它会跳到面板 1 和 2 之间的中间位置。(面板 4 到 3 或 2 的动画效果很好)。我尝试使用 'left' 而不是 'margin-left' 得到相同的结果。
// Remove the coda-slider-no-js class from the body
// Preloader
$(".coda-slider").children('.panel').hide().end().prepend('<p class="loading">Loading...<br /><img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" alt="loading..." /></p>');
var sliderCount = 1;
$.fn.codaSlider = function(settings) {
settings = $.extend({
autoHeight: true,
autoHeightEaseDuration: 1000,
autoHeightEaseFunction: "easeInOutExpo",
autoSlide: false,
autoSlideInterval: 7000,
autoSlideStopWhenClicked: true,
crossLinking: true,
dynamicArrows: true,
dynamicArrowLeftText: "« left",
dynamicArrowRightText: "right »",
dynamicTabs: true,
dynamicTabsAlign: "center",
dynamicTabsPosition: "top",
externalTriggerSelector: "a.xtrig",
firstPanelToLoad: 1,
panelTitleSelector: "h2.title",
slideEaseDuration: 1000,
slideEaseFunction: "easeInOutExpo"
}, settings);
return this.each(function(){
var slider = $(this);
var panelCount = slider.find(".panel").size();
var panelWidth = 100;
var panelContainerWidth = "400%";
var navClicks = 0; // Used if autoSlideStopWhenClicked = true
// Surround the collection of panel divs with a container div (wide enough for all panels to be lined up end-to-end)
$('.panel', slider).wrapAll('<div class="panel-container"></div>');
// Specify the width of the container div (wide enough for all panels to be lined up end-to-end)
$(".panel-container", slider).css({ width: panelContainerWidth });
// Specify the current panel.
// If the loaded URL has a hash (cross-linking), we're going to use that hash to give the slider a specific starting position...
if (settings.crossLinking && location.hash && parseInt(location.hash.slice(1)) <= panelCount) {
var currentPanel = parseInt(location.hash.slice(1));
var offset = - (panelWidth*(currentPanel - 1)) + "%";
$('.panel-container', slider).css({ marginLeft: offset });
// If that's not the case, check to see if we're supposed to load a panel other than Panel 1 initially...
} else if (settings.firstPanelToLoad != 1 && settings.firstPanelToLoad <= panelCount) {
var currentPanel = settings.firstPanelToLoad;
var offset = - (panelWidth*(currentPanel - 1)) + "%";
$('.panel-container', slider).css({ marginLeft: offset });
// Otherwise, we'll just set the current panel to 1...
} else {
var currentPanel = 1;
// If we need a dynamic menu
if (settings.dynamicTabs) {
var dynamicTabs = '<div class="coda-nav" id="coda-nav-' + sliderCount + '"><ul></ul></div>';
switch (settings.dynamicTabsPosition) {
case "bottom":
ul = $('#coda-nav-' + sliderCount + ' ul');
// Create the nav items
$('.panel', slider).each(function(n) {
ul.append('<li class="tab' + (n+1) + '"><a href="#' + (n+1) + '">' + $(this).find(settings.panelTitleSelector).text() + '</a></li>');
navContainerWidth = slider.width() + slider.siblings('.coda-nav-left').width() + slider.siblings('.coda-nav-right').width();
ul.parent().css({ width: navContainerWidth });
switch (settings.dynamicTabsAlign) {
case "center":
ul.css({ width: ($("li", ul).width() + 2) * panelCount });
case "right":
ul.css({ float: 'right' });
// If we need a tabbed nav
$('#coda-nav-' + sliderCount + ' a').each(function(z) {
// What happens when a nav link is clicked
$(this).bind("click", function() {
if (z == 0) {
offset = "+0px";
} else {
offset = - (panelWidth*z) + "%";
alert("Offset = " + offset);
// alterPanelHeight(z);
currentPanel = z + 1;
$('.panel-container', slider).animate({ marginLeft: offset }, settings.slideEaseDuration, settings.slideEaseFunction);
if (!settings.crossLinking) { return false }; // Don't change the URL hash unless cross-linking is specified
// Specify which tab is initially set to "current". Depends on if the loaded URL had a hash or not (cross-linking).
if (settings.crossLinking && location.hash && parseInt(location.hash.slice(1)) <= panelCount) {
$("#coda-nav-" + sliderCount + " a:eq(" + (location.hash.slice(1) - 1) + ")").addClass("current");
// If there's no cross-linking, check to see if we're supposed to load a panel other than Panel 1 initially...
} else if (settings.firstPanelToLoad != 1 && settings.firstPanelToLoad <= panelCount) {
$("#coda-nav-" + sliderCount + " a:eq(" + (settings.firstPanelToLoad - 1) + ")").addClass("current");
// Otherwise we must be loading Panel 1, so make the first tab the current one.
} else {
$("#coda-nav-" + sliderCount + " a:eq(0)").addClass("current");
// Kill the preloader
$('.panel', slider).show().end().find("p.loading").remove();